Gender Roles in Church...

{snip} ZZZZZZmmmmZZZZZZmmmmZZZmmmZZmmZm {thud, crunch, crunch, crunch} Poor little guy, snipped out of the sky without even a why, but I’ll pick you up, retie and send you back up for another try. So fly, fly little spiritual why since there is no place else to fly, and this time why, not so high.

I guess I could have just said Yes but I felt compelled to share more than just what is seen. Iron sharpens iron when used right, otherwise it cuts like a dull knife so I checked in with the medic because you know it’s nice to have a band aids close by. First note is I am not a scholar, I’m just a guy who with what his eyes sees and what his ears hear soaks through learns what is written, and what is glued.

And what I noticed is no real answers and the uneasy feeling brought out when these man building blocks were singled out to stand alone especially since they are power blocks. Singled out they are easily corrupted by sin or in another way keyed on by demons and to respect men who have those power blocks glued up front and for those who have them glued in at their base I point at why I believe women can be spiritually qualified to lead.

Now, I lean in with a woman doing what no man can undo and that is prepare the high priest for battle, which he won, and on a daily basis, is a news flash for some, thus I feel that if she prepared him for the win then she can be fully capable to prepare me. And just for a kick in the pants is it really doesn’t matter what we men say because when it comes to loving Jesus, a Sister is going to do it Anyways and Jesus says it’s Ok.

And by the way the CGA respects the difference with a men’s and women’s forum and I’d like to pass on an invite (if allowed) to any men interested where we can, ah… talk about the weather. Note: They put a maturity clause on it after I joined.
Thanks for the lean!!! Obviously I need a bit of work on my approach,,, and my landing. And realizing this I waited until I could lean back with an edge. For please realize it is not you that brings a pain that was hard to explain. Because you see what the scriptures on the dominating role of men does to them, seriously searching for means of defense. So as a messenger with a question phrasing things differently I ask why do I feel like my manhood is being switched when I’m approached with scripture saying I’m more than a woman. So I follow the message from where the switch was used up the branches of the upside down tree to where the message stopped at this mixing room where we become spiritually equal so to bear fruits. Then back through a hot kitchen where it pauses in Ephesians 4 as people to pipe out full of Love to the branch where there is fruit and protective shade explaining where things are glued and where his fruits bear. And I know as silly as it may seem, using Love in defense of the sting, is the invite from the King to come out of the kitchen and sit with him where we learn together that we are all in his hands more than a woman and a man to be fruitful on his branch.

It’s his peoples not those steeples that bears his fruit. And I am unashamed to be less in his house to become more while learning the ways of our Lord.

Hehehe Yeah so Oh Martha Martha “ “ there is an invite for you out of the kitchen and let the Lord serve you!!!
Thanks for the lean!!! Obviously I need a bit of work on my approach,,, and my landing. And realizing this I waited until I could lean back with an edge. For please realize it is not you that brings a pain that was hard to explain. Because you see what the scriptures on the dominating role of men does to them, seriously searching for means of defense. So as a messenger with a question phrasing things differently I ask why do I feel like my manhood is being switched when I’m approached with scripture saying I’m more than a woman. So I follow the message from where the switch was used up the branches of the upside down tree to where the message stopped at this mixing room where we become spiritually equal so to bear fruits. Then back through a hot kitchen where it pauses in Ephesians 4 as people to pipe out full of Love to the branch where there is fruit and protective shade explaining where things are glued and where his fruits bear. And I know as silly as it may seem, using Love in defense of the sting, is the invite from the King to come out of the kitchen and sit with him where we learn together that we are all in his hands more than a woman and a man to be fruitful on his branch.

It’s his peoples not those steeples that bears his fruit. And I am unashamed to be less in his house to become more while learning the ways of our Lord.

Hehehe Yeah so Oh Martha Martha “ “ there is an invite for you out of the kitchen and let the Lord serve you!!!

You seriously make no sense.

The scriptures never say Men are more than Women. We just have different roles.

If you are not going to participate in the debate in the manner asked. Please do not participate. I asked for a Scriptural debate. And you are not bringing anything remotely scriptural on this specific matter.