getting things going in guild, help needed


New Member
I've been playing gw off and on for 2-3 years now. I've always played with a small group of local people. I recently decided to reach out and expand.

I'm kind of new to forums, chat, voice over internet, all these accurnams. I just purchased a headset last week and have not had a chance to use it yet.
I think it would be so much easier to talk rather than type in game.

Ok. My immediate questions.

1) Trying to register with SOE. Received email but saw no hyperlink to verify my email with. Can use some help with this.

2) Trying to hook up with mebers that would enjoy doing some old fashioned quests and missions. I completed Proficies a couple times now; still have some charactors going through, but focusing on Factions and Nightfall right now. I understand that most players are intrested in the underworld or vanquishing areas. I would love to get to those things; but I would like to go through the quests and missions and fellowship on the way.

3) I would like to learn the best way to use this headset I purchased. I already downloaded xfire to my computer and steam. While researching on xfire I learned about SOE. I dont even know if you guys even use headsets for sure.

4) Communication. Is this the best way to communicate. To get a group together. Example: Finding members that are close to my level, so the veterans dont have to go through quests and missions that they went through hundreds of times.

I dont know what to expect; clicking submit.
Hey Torch - welcome.

1) Trying to register with SOE. Received email but saw no hyperlink to verify my email with. Can use some help with this.

I saw that an invite was sent - that is in game. I've seen you in game and on the guild roster so you've accomplished this part.

2) Trying to hook up with mebers that would enjoy doing some old fashioned quests and missions...I understand that most players are intrested in the underworld or vanquishing areas.

Not everyone is in the underworld or vanquishing all the time. Most of us in the guild and alliance are open to doing quests and missions. I know I am capping skills right now and that is a lot easier in normal mode and also easily done in missions or quests.

3) I would like to learn the best way to use this headset I purchased. I already downloaded xfire to my computer and steam. While researching on xfire I learned about SOE. I dont even know if you guys even use headsets for sure.

I don't know much about xfire and steam. I've tried them but didn't stick with them. I know quite a few people use those. I guess if I played more games I might, but I do mostly Guild Wars. I hook up with people in TeamSpeak3. Being able to communicate verbally helps in most of the missions and quests.

4) Communication. Is this the best way to communicate. To get a group together. Example: Finding members that are close to my level, so the veterans dont have to go through quests and missions that they went through hundreds of times.

Yeah - the forums are a great way to communicate. When I first joined I posted every question I had. People were great about getting back to me, helping me along. The alliance is good about that. Then I began to hook up with people in game via the alliance chat. You can look back at some of the questions in the forums - or feel free to ask away. There is no problem with asking questions that have been asked before.

Again, welcome. Whatever we can do to help you along the path - most of us want to help.
Thanks for the reply.

1) Still have not been acepted at a SOE site. The verification email I received told me to click on the hyper link, but there wasn't one. I just checked again and my registration has not been accepted.

Ill be checking out teamspeak3 and start using alliance chat .

Thanks again. Hope to see you in game sometime.
1) Still have not been acepted at a SOE site. The verification email I received told me to click on the hyper link, but there wasn't one. I just checked again and my registration has not been accepted.

Okay - I went in game to be sure. You show up in our guild, SOE. If you click 'G' - when the box appears click Guild Hall. That will take you to our guild hall on Imperial Isle. You will see you are listed in the roster as X El Torch X.

If you can participate in this forum and start a thread you are accepted.

Maybe the link that didn't work was Get to Know the Guildies... See if that link works. We recommend newcomers stop by and tell us about themselves. It is a place where you can let people know who you are and what your interests are. Look back through the thread and you will find most of us in there somewhere.

Other than that, there is not much more to do - except join in the forums and have a good time in Guild Wars. If there is some other place you are trying to reach, let me know.
I'm pretty much new to Guild Wars, and I'm working my way through the campaigns in order. Still pretty early in Prophecies if I'm being honest. Still, if you wanna run missions with me, Torch, you've an open invite.

Side note: I'm currently headsetless. Haven't gotten Bluetooth workin' on my PC yet. I suppose I could connect via my laptop, though.

I have TeamSpeak3. From what I can tell, it's the preferred voice communication method in general here with ToJ.

@Abba San: SOE uses the ToJ TeamSpeak3 server, right?
Don't worry about the SoE Website. It's horribly outdated and not in use anymore. We haven't had anyone with the right skills step up to help us out in that section. As long as you're registered here at CGA, at ToJ, and of course in-game you should be set. And since you have all three of those, you're golden :)
Thanks for the info everyone.

@kendrik ive still got some characters going through prophicies, looking forward to meet up.
I've got two characters that I'm "trying" to push through Nightfall, and another that could go all over in Prophecies so I'll watch for you... I'm only on at odd and irregular hours though. :/
Thanks for your post Brydon. what charactors should I look for. Most of mine have Torch somewhere in the name.