Guild Social Nite/Outreach


New Member
"Random Act of Kindness, Senseless Act of Beauty"

Hi Officers and all guildies:

I've been sitting on this idea for a Redeemed Social Nite/Guild Outreach for awhile and always thot about running it by u guys. Reading Brootis's post on fun guild activities kind of encouraged me to finally run this by u guys. I also did this survey and one of the questions was how many hours did I spend helping others in game/week (hope I don't compromise the survey too much.... hehe). I sheepishly put 1 hour and I know for a lot of weeks, even that is a bit of a stretch.

Anyways, my idea for a fun social nite/Redeemed Outreach: Hit Stormwind with a Random Acts of Kindness Blitz.

I think sometimes our guild tends to be a little bit too exclusive of ppl outside redeemed. We do great stuff for our guild members like raids, fun nights, bible studies, but we don't really promote much interaction with players outside our guild. Unless we do some pugs by ourselves or chat on channel 2, our interaction outside Redeemed is quite limited. Anyways, I hope my idea can change this a bit and be inclusive to all ppl. Jesus always went out to where the ppl were at, reached out to them and included anyone who was interested. Let's get our toons out there and show God's love to the ppl of Stonemaul. I want to pick a non raid nite, get a group of us and spam channel 2 in SW with a bunch of free services from Redeemed for 1-1.5 hours. In real life, we use our time, talents and treasure to serve God. Our toons have talents (professions, skills) and treasure (gold, weapons, gear), why not spend a little time to glorify God and serve others in a video game?

Most of our toons have something that can help others. These were some of the ideas I can think of:
- free tank ques for Hs/trolls (would be quite popular i think)
- free low dungeons runs for lowbies
- profession recipes, making high end gear for ppl free if they have mats
- free mage portals
- free gold (I'm willing to put up $500 gold and giving a free $10 gold to the first 50 ppl that open trade with me)
- give away some free gear, like blues/lower epics (ie justice point boots); show us u can use it and it's an upgrade and it's yours.
- hand out a bunch of free stuff that ppl can use like: bags, glyphs, potions (whatever your toon can do; I'm sure the opportunities are limitless).

That's just a few of the ideas I came up with. I'm sure u know your toons better and can think of many others things your toon can provide to others. I still remember when I first played on Stonemaul, I was lvling my priest and I didn't have alot of gold or anything. I was running down a lowbie road and a lvl 70 (max @ the time) just opened trade with me and gave me 50 gold for no apparant reason (50 gold was worth alot more that time). I thanked him and asked him why he did it. He said he didn't know and just felt like it. *LOL* I always remembered that Random Act of Kindness for some reason. We can do the same for others, we may never know what happens, but we always have the opportunity to plant a seed.

I shared this idea with Skrubs and he told me I should definitely go for it. In a nerdy way, sometimes it's easy to forget there's a real life person with emotions/needs behind that WoW character, we'd basically be serving and being a blessing to that person playing behind a computer somewhere in the world.

So, what do u guys think? If you're interested, plz let me know. If u have some reservations and I'm missing something, I'd like to hear it as well. I think if we can get 5-10 ppl who wants to do this, it'd be awesome. If guild leadership gives us the green light, let's pick a nite and blitz SW by being a blessing to others. It'll be a lot of fun :)

"Random Act of Kindness, Sensless Act of Beauty"
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Very nice. What night were you thinking?

Some other ideas:
- Free transportation services (driving/flying people somewhere, especially lowbies, using multi-passenger mounts)
- Assisting with multi-player quests like Crucible of Carnage
- I'll add more as I think of them
Kewl, if Flame & Brootis are fine with it, I think we have a green light. :)

Yeah, I was thinking of having a mage on standby while we do this, so we can port ppl around. I was thinking a non-raid nite, so a Thursday or Sunday. I also want Skrubs to be able to make it, so maybe a Sunday. I'll check with u guys and get back to ya.
Awww this would be awesome... almost makes me want to bring back my Priest just to be apart of this!
OK, so I talked with Skrubs. He said Sunday is good for him, so we plan to do it Sunday, Sept 11th @ 9pm. He wants to watch the Dallas football game, so once it's over, we'll blitz SW. :D Might start a little early depending how long the game goes.
just read monthly newsletter from toj. One of the things that really struck me was what he said: "Yes, we're a Christian gaming group. Yes, we all say that we want to be a light in the darkness. But to think that we're actually able to make a difference by gaming? I don't know about you, but that still blows my mind every time I think about it.".
Think about it.. we are all just playing a game.. but maybe there is one person out there that we can reach. someone lonely. someone afraid to make new friends. someone desperate to "just fit in". (kenny Yeager)
i think the night that chan talked about coincides wth this perfectly. How cool is that?
how many of you guys want to come out that nite and see if we can touch someone thru service? one act of kindness maybe all it really takes to show someone that we do care.. and that God loves them.
praying that we have a lot of participants. God bless u all.
Very true skrubs. I only wish I could be there, this sounds really exciting! I should be able to help out in a couple weeks though!
Guys! As I was praying for this gathering I thought that it might be a good idea to get in vent. a few minutes before we are ready to serve and to pray over the service I.E. ask for protection (no trolls), wisdom (words to speak), and an audience (people to serve).
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Guys! As I was praying for this gathering I thought that it might be a good idea to get in vent. a few minutes before we are ready to serve and to pray over the service I.E. ask for protection (no trolls), wisdom (words to speak), and an audience (people to serve).

Matthew 5:10
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
For sure, I was thinking the same thing. I was planning to ask Skrubs to lead us in prayer before we start. Dika: I thot your account is down. Are u Melhani?

Guys! As I was praying for this gathering I thought that it might be a good idea to get in vent. a few minutes before we are ready to serve and to pray over the service I.E. ask for protection (no trolls), wisdom (words to speak), and an audience (people to serve).
I logged on right as this was underway -- looked like a big success. Redeemeders were all over trade chat (what? positive threads in trade chat? from multiple people simultaneously? it can't be? yet it was!). Seemed like like a confused, yet grateful people, seeing lots of generous activity from folks with <Redeemed> as their guild tag. Well done, peeps.
"Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words." ~ St. Francis of Assisi.

Chanmanx version: "Love ppl always, if necessary use words." :p

Thanx Bill & Gilga. Yeah, it was great fun. There was a small group of us, but I think SW felt our blitz. Just thot I'd give u all a short report and encourage ppl to come out if we ever do it again. :)

We basically did 2 phases. First phase was Skrub's idea, we just randomly walked up to ppl, opened trade and gave 5 gold. We did this for about 15-20 mins. Second phase, we started spamming channel 2 with free gold, ports, blue gear/weapons, some potions/food/high-end mats and some other stuff.

We got some great reactions and surprised alot of ppl; it's like ppl don't know how to react to random acts of love sometimes. Ppl were mostly very receptive and thankful. We got alot of: ???, why u doing this? are u quitting game? Also, alot of thankful and positive emotes and one person replied, wow, thanks, it's pretty rare to see somone do something like this. I think Dika got a reply from someone who saw our guild name: let me guess, this is a guild activity right? *LOL*

This is our first time doing it. I was a bit concerned that there might some backlash against us with trolls on channel 2 and what not, so I didn't want to be preachy or anything. I just wanted to go out and serve and display God's love; even the hardest of hearts don't know what to say to it and cannot criticize it. :o

Lastly, I remember the words of Apostle Paul and I think the 4 of us were totally blessed and we totally felt what he was talking about. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)
Yes the outreach was a complete success in my mind. I'd also like to add that someone was so moved that they asked me about our guild and where they could find more information about us!

Thanks again Chan for the great idea and effort made to put this all together. I hope we do this again soon.
Matthew 5:10
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

By this statement I understand you to mean that I should actually pray for persecution. Persecution is of the devil, and I wish that all would have ears to hear the good news. Trolls are destructive nonsensical players who would only hinder our work for the kingdom. If I pray for no persecution it is so that many might believe without hindrance.
By this statement I understand you to mean that I should actually pray for persecution. Persecution is of the devil, and I wish that all would have ears to hear the good news. Trolls are destructive nonsensical players who would only hinder our work for the kingdom. If I pray for no persecution it is so that many might believe without hindrance.

I dont believe thats how we should interpret that verse at all. You shouldn't wish persecution upon yourself or any other Christian.

Rather, the verse was meant to be an encouraging and revitalizing statement for those who were being brought down because of their preachings and beliefs.

Without getting into too much detail...I see it this way.

You hope for the best; that your words fall on receptive ears and all goes well.

However, if you are ridiculed and people try to hurt you with words because you stand up for what is right, christian, and good, don't let it get you down! Because its proof that what you're doing is causing the devil so much grief, he's going out of his way to try to get you to stop.

I'm not holy man, preacher, priest, or the like. Its just my opinion. Hope my explanation serves as a betterment :)
just read monthly newsletter from toj. One of the things that really struck me was what he said: "Yes, we're a Christian gaming group. Yes, we all say that we want to be a light in the darkness. But to think that we're actually able to make a difference by gaming? I don't know about you, but that still blows my mind every time I think about it.".
Think about it.. we are all just playing a game.. but maybe there is one person out there that we can reach. someone lonely. someone afraid to make new friends. someone desperate to "just fit in". (kenny Yeager)
i think the night that chan talked about coincides wth this perfectly. How cool is that?
how many of you guys want to come out that nite and see if we can touch someone thru service? one act of kindness maybe all it really takes to show someone that we do care.. and that God loves them.
praying that we have a lot of participants. God bless u all.

this, main reason i still play!