How a bag of beef jerky testifies to the limits of the human mind


New Member
While I think everyone here would agree that we humans are a wonderfully ingenious species, generously infused with intellectual reasoning by our Creator, we do have our limitations. I believe the bag of beef jerky I just opened speaks to this fact.

You see, I just purchased a bag of beef jerky. In the bag of beef jerky amidst the scrumptious morsels of meat strips is small white package with a sanitary napkin. While one would naturally assume that people who consume the jerky would be able to differentiate between the jerky and the napkin, this is apparently not the case.

In big, bold, blue text are the words "DO NOT EAT".

This conspicuous warning is necessarily because undoubtedly at some point in the annals of jerky mastication someone attempted to (and possibly succeeded in) eating the sanitary napkin.

Yet the same race put someone on the moon. Interesting, isn't it?
HAHA! Yeah, I thought the same. All beef jerky I have ever eaten has come dried out, I've never had any wet jerky that required the use of a napkin afterwards. :D
I would have to guess that this phenomenon of labeling the obvious is confined only to America. This country has also produced such idiot proof items like the styrofoam coffee cup that says CAUTION! CONTENTS HOT!! Of course the contents are hot, its COFFEE! This is also a testament to our rampantly out of control legal system in this country that gives said morons the ability to sue anybody for any action that is clearly their own fault. Kind of like the lady who tripped and fell over her own child in the supermarket, yet was able to sue the supermarket for whatever negligence her wonderfully devious lawyer could come up with. Then again when FOX news needs to give us pictures of Zarquawi and label them appropriately DEAD over the bloody puffy face of a dead guy and LIVE over the obviously live picture of the man, who can blame the spoon fed Seasame Street people who need there hand held all the way to the grave. We live in a country of mostly dumb people, just be thankful your one of the smart ones. :confused:
This reminds me of a warning on the label of a jar of Peanut Butter, which reads "WARNING: CONTAINS PEANUTS." Whoa! Caught me off-guard, there. :p
Or those little packages of whatever-it-is that comes with stereo equipment that says Do Not Eat. Maybe people think it's gum...

But, has anyone ever gotten something like that thinking there might be something to eat in there? :confused:
My favorite warning lable I've seen was on the bottom of a cake box. I was throwing the box away and noticed that on the bottom it said;

Caution! Do Not Turn Upside Down!​
In "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish", a guy named Wonko the Sane said that he found instructions on a box of toothpicks. He then went on to say that any civilisation that needs to print a detailed series of instructions on a box of toothpicks is one he no longer wishes to live in.
I've found that watching more than 60 seconds of television commercials leads me to the conclusion that the entire human race will die by means of drowning in rain water while looking up.

So yeh, I'm right there with you guys.
Well ya know, we have about 10 years or so to turn around the greenhouse effect we've created by using fossil fuels and turning jungles into parking lots before we pass the point of no return, but we're more concerned with Britney Spears's personal life.

Seriously, did anyone else watch the 'Countdown to Doomsday' special on the SciFi channel hosted by Matt Lauer? It had the top ten causes of our own inevitable extinction in the near future. It was very interesting and helped me realize how rapidly our world is spiraling towards this end. Let's review:

  • The last 10 years have been the hottest years in the history of the Earth.
  • Huge hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, solar flares, droughts, etc. are much more frequent.
  • The ice caps are melting more and more everyday and methane gas is being released into the atmosphere because of it which rapidly speeds up the greenhouse effect.
  • The most respected scientists in the world have been screaming this for a while now yet we haven't made any real progress toward a solution.
  • We are still more concerned with our economy at the expense of our ecology.

And that's only number THREE on the top ten list. The human race is too stupid to survive. The events described in Revelations are coming soon and we must be prepared. It may very well be in our lifetime.
astrod00d said:
Well ya know, we have about 10 years or so to turn around the greenhouse effect we've created by using fossil fuels and turning jungles into parking lots before we pass the point of no return, but we're more concerned with Britney Spears's personal life.
It's good to know that I'm not the only Christian voicing such concerns.

I've considered, on more than one occasion, starting a Christian environmentalist group. God created earth for humanity and we, as a race, have taken poor care of it in the last three centuries. A Christian environmentalist group could avoid the extremism of new age groups that account animal and plant life equal with human life. We could help shake off the reputation Christianity has acquired for serving only the middle and upper classes and, by proxy, corporations. Thanks largely to Republican political campaigns, Christianity has been used largely as a political tool for the far right.

I could rant on this for pages, but I'll cut my post short here. One of these days, when I'm not wondering how I'm going to pay next month's rent, I might whip up a proposal for a Christian environmentalist group...
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Tek, being next to broke is really a blessing. It makes you appreciate what you have and brings you closer to God. You are faithful to him and he will not let you go hungry. Just think, when he does pour out that blessing that you are praying for (and he will), it'll be that much sweeter.

The more money we have always counteracts how much focus we put on what is really important. I wish I could let go of a lot of the things in my life that I have come to depend on once I could afford them. The sad thing is that I can't, my flesh won't let me. The Kutless song, Million Dollar Man, reminds me of this:

He's driving down a road to nowhere
The moon reflects off his spotless car
Speeding away from all he's known
To greener grass on the other side

He's a million dollar man
He's got everything he wanted
But now what he wants is what he had
But he threw it all away
For a life filled with cars and rings
And everything that money can bring

Now everything is not what he thought
As guilt reaches in for all of his wrung
The profit is worthless when you're alone
The grass isn't greener on this lonely side

He's a million dollar man
He's got everything he wanted
But now what he wants is what he had
But he threw it all away
For a life filled with cars and rings
And everything that money can bring

He threw it all away (x2)

He's a million dollar man
He's got everything he wanted
But now what he wants is what he had
But he threw it all away
For a life filled with cars and rings
And everything that money can bring
astrod00d said:
Well ya know, we have about 10 years or so to turn around the greenhouse effect we've created by using fossil fuels and turning jungles into parking lots before we pass the point of no return, but we're more concerned with Britney Spears's personal life.

thats not going to kill us all i say some one stupid is going to fire off a nuke.
astrod00d said:
Well ya know, we have about 10 years or so to turn around the greenhouse effect we've created by using fossil fuels and turning jungles into parking lots before we pass the point of no return, but we're more concerned with Britney Spears's personal life.

Seriously, did anyone else watch the 'Countdown to Doomsday' special on the SciFi channel hosted by Matt Lauer? It had the top ten causes of our own inevitable extinction in the near future. It was very interesting and helped me realize how rapidly our world is spiraling towards this end. Let's review:
  • The last 10 years have been the hottest years in the history of the Earth.
  • Huge hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, solar flares, droughts, etc. are much more frequent.
  • The ice caps are melting more and more everyday and methane gas is being released into the atmosphere because of it which rapidly speeds up the greenhouse effect.
  • The most respected scientists in the world have been screaming this for a while now yet we haven't made any real progress toward a solution.
  • We are still more concerned with our economy at the expense of our ecology.
And that's only number THREE on the top ten list. The human race is too stupid to survive. The events described in Revelations are coming soon and we must be prepared. It may very well be in our lifetime.

Only the father knows ;)

But anyway, in the Middle Ages they had an unusually warm period... the Vikings found Greenland to be a paradise and even further back the Romans had vineyards in Scotland,. Then, in the Middle Ages, there was a very harsh, cold period after the warm season... perhaps this is just the earth repeating itself

The whole article is good and is actually a rebuff of Gore's junk-science movie propaganda.

Carter does not pull his punches about Gore's activism, "The man is an embarrassment to US science and its many fine practitioners, a lot of whom know (but feel unable to state publicly) that his propaganda crusade is mostly based on junk science."

While I think enviromental responsibility is needed in the world (I think we ALL should be responsible in how we use what the good Lord has given us, especially Christians) I don't think going to the extreme other end is good idea either. Be careful of political propaganda disguised as science.
