How to sux at cs :) nice little article here

eh, i'm 16, i'm allowed to date, problem is, the girl i like, she's 15 and her dad said no dating till she was 16 >_<.. that's not till September.. so that sucks for us cause i mean, we like each other so much.. oh well
well for me i wouldt want my duaghter to be wish some crazy :p
lol.. i'm not really crazy
.. only sometimes.. and the girl i like is more crazy than i am.. eh, she had a bf b4, but her dad made an acception for him.. >_< only reason he did was cause this kid knew her family his whole life.. but they broke up and her dad said no dating till she was 16.. so now i gotta wait, and so does she, and it sucks
wouldt u rather have a life long friend then have a short relationship that can end harshly at any given time?
I haven't found the right girl yet. Most of the girls at my school (and myles can vouch for this) are not ones, as a Christian you would want to date (with a select few who are Christians and are 1) My VERY close friends 2) Dating someone else atm ). I go to what is considered the "rich school" in the county and most of the kids have lake houses etc and on the weekends they all go have big parties and drink and do other stuff that I do not want to have any part in.
I myself am not perfect, never claimed to be ;) but I don't feel that God would have me be with a girl that acts like that, sure you could tell yourself that you could change them or be an example but what you end up doing is falling in with them (harder to pull someone up than pull someone down). Ive seen it happen to many friends and I just have to shake my head and carry on. I myself hang out with a crowd of rednecks who drive big 4x4 and dip/chew and country girls who are wild and crazy, but not to the point that they do bad things (drink/curse/other things that dishonor God). We have fun and don't do things we will regret when were older and if thats just the "lame" route through high school to some people than so be it. I want to do my best for God and if it be something so tiny as hanging with the right people so as not to do other things than so be it. If I find a girl that agrees with me tomorrow or a year down the road than it must be God's will to put her there.

I can give you all the advice and my opinions but none of them beat talking to someone who knows a lot about it such as parents or elders. On top of it all, the easiest way to find/look for girls is pray about it. God doesn't make mistakes
, he will find you "the one". Even if you have a few girls you go out with and then break apart with that you thought were "the one", they were just a learning experience from God. I pray about it everynight and thats all I can say that all of you who aren't married/have serious relationship do and those who do pray for those who don't and thank God for what he has blessed you with.

-Dead_Aim (Micah)
heh g2 micahs school o_O and relationships don't always end harsh ya kno I went out with a girl and now were best friends.....
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ Mar. 10 2004,10:59)]On top of it all, the easiest way to find/look for girls is pray about it. God doesn't make mistakes
, he will find you "the one". Even if you have a few girls you go out with and then break apart with that you thought were "the one", they were just a learning experience from God. I pray about it everynight and thats all I can say that all of you who aren't married/have serious relationship do and those who do pray for those who don't and thank God for what he has blessed you with.
I can honestly tesitfy to that. For the past two years God has been putting girls into my life.
So many of these girls that I meet either have emotional needs, or just need a manly figure to talk to. Girl after girl has come to me with everything from boy problems to eating disorders. All that time I wondered "Why God? Why are you putting these troubled people in my life?"

It should be noted that while I was helping out all these females (strange that it was only females, I honestly had nothing to do with that. I guess its the simple fact that I can relate to girls better than most guys)
I had no girlfriends come out of it, just a few very close friendships. And all that time I also wondered why God had not showen me "the one".

So for about a year I was praying for "the one" to be shown to me. Honestly after a year I really gave up hope and convinced myslef I would be friends with them untill adulthood.

Untill one night...

At a youth group event, I was sitting with two of my friends, and one girl, Michaela, come up and started talking to one of my friends about something she was going through. For some odd reason I just sat there and listened to the conversation.
Eventually it came down to just me and her, and then... well... it happened.

Soo..... point being hey, God does have a plan for you no matter what you do. Even if its not the best time according to you, it is perfect according to God.

Even from the beginning he said "It is good".
hey para, i kinda have the same thing happenning. is it really suppose to be regarded as a good thing to have people dump proplems on u or am i looking at it the wrong way?? i mean we are friends and all but still.
eh, this girl that i'm interested in is a good christian girl, granted she is wild and crazy, we get along great and dont do anything we will regret.. she doesnt go to the same school as me.. she's homeschooled which is kinda nice.. i dont get to see her every day, but i can live with that.. i definatly enjoy being with her.. she's a great person.. we'll see where this ends up.. it's all up to God where it goes.. i'm hopin that it goes at least longer than a year
.. but like i said.. up to God to decide that
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I guess its the simple fact that I can relate to girls better than most guys
.. i can relate with this.. i think it's the same way for me.. which is one of the qualities that the girl i like likes about me
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Mar. 11 2004,1:18)]hey para, i kinda have the same thing happenning. is it really suppose to be regarded as a good thing to have people dump proplems on u or am i looking at it the wrong way?? i mean we are friends and all but still.
O.K., heres a little Psychology  lession for all to behold.

Guy A has a problem. When guy A realizes that he has a problem, his body produces testosterone which is natural in stressful situations. Now to guy A goes to guy B and tells him about his problem. Now all of a sudden, guy A is sharing some of that testosterone with guy B. Guy B may feel stressed because of that testosterone transfer. Now if guy B has more testosterone than he needs, then a chamical inbalance happens, and that leads to stress. So keep in mind if its ever too much for you to handle, then yes it can be a bad thing.

In my mind, the only way you would be looking at it the wrong way is if your doing it for any reason other than trying to help them out (like using that as an excuse just to be seen talking to a girl!

What it really comes down to is "God, is there a reason this person is here right now?" If it IS his will, then the Holy Spirit will guide you and tell you what to say. How do you know it is his will. Well, I gatta tell you, God can work in some wierd ways

If you really pray about it , he will reveal his plan for you. And when you do, hey at least you will know for 100% that your doing the right thing and then you won't have to question yourself.  
heh,.... *thinks for a while* dang God wants me to help 3 different girls >_<
Yeah I find girls are the best to share your problems with. Another reason that a MAN AND WOMAN are meant to be together.

*My anti-gay marriage/anything else for the day*
yeah elite thats the way i always thought bout stuff so thats y i was askin all the questions.
We went from sucking in CS to relationships. How'd that happen? On the CS thing: "Obviously, if i've learned anything from Super Mario brothers, the sheer weight of myself landing should be enough to squish anyone into a politically correct juicy pulp." I knew all those hours had a lesson in them.
On the relationship issue, for all of my high school years and now two college years, I've been the guy who's had a lot of girl friends, but never a girlfriend. I went to my senior Prom alone. I've been rejected (and gotten the whole "you're a nice guy and all..." rutine) more times than I'll bother counting. I've basically have come to the conclusion that I'm probably not just of the mentality required for dating. I've given up on looking for Ms. Right. But if God puts a lady in the picture, I'm not going to be stupid. In other words, I'm not looking to buy a car, but if God brings the car to my front door, I'm not going to turn it away.
i thought i was gonna be like that.. but then God gave me this great girl.. and she truely is wonderful.. and i am happy to have her.. i didnt go lookin for her.. she just kinda showed up.. and like you said..
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'm not looking to buy a car, but if God brings the car to my front door, I'm not going to turn it away.