
Hey Jaglor, welcome to CGA! It looks like you've already figured out your way around the forums, but be sure to let the GW2 folks know of your presence, too. Hope you find some folks who share your playing preferences in all your gaming!
Right now I'm specifically looking for a casual group to team play League of Legends on voice comms without raging. (I'm not that great, but still learning.)

I was getting ready to link to Tribe of Judah's LoL Chapter Forum when I noticed you'd already posted there. Huzzah!

I'm also looking for co-op players with Portal 2 which is on sale on Steam this weekend. (Steam Account Name: jaglor549)
35 years old I have four children and am happily married in Arizona.
Added you on Steam!

And welcome to the CGA community! :)
Hello to all. I am playing GW2 & 1 and have migrated over from Sola. I look forward to playing with all of yall and to get to know everyone. I am a Christian and testify to all that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and look forward to playing with others who are also.

Jimmy Quicker
Hello to all. I am playing GW2 & 1 and have migrated over from Sola. I look forward to playing with all of yall and to get to know everyone. I am a Christian and testify to all that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and look forward to playing with others who are also.

Jimmy Quicker
Welcome to the forums, Jimmy!
hello everyone happy to join this forum i am very pleased see so many people on this forum well this has been a big year for me god brought me trough kidney cancer i lost my right kidney but god showed me even more of the reason i went trough the kidney cancer he showed me other people needs to while i was in the hospital i had 3 surgery and he showed me all kinds of different people sickness so god had me feeling like paul with a torn in the flesh no matter how bad i felt i still had to do gods work while i was in the hospital praying for these people everything happens for a reason so god had me there for a reason but there more to say but ill end it with god is a awsome god
hello every one so glad to join this forum and i have something to share with every one its been a big year for me so far god pulled me trough kidney cancer i lost my right kidney but god pulled me in to have a closer walk with him while i was in the hospital well i was in and out 3 times i went trough 3 surgerys he showed me it wasnt all bout me he showed me other people sickness that needed prayer to even tho i felt so bad for myself he had me feeling like paul with the thorn in the flesh that god power had to go on so he had me every time i was in the hospital he had me praying over these people it really opened my eyes where i thought my eyes was already opened every thing happens for reason ill end right there with that we have a awsome god and amen
Welcome to the forum, Disciple. Quite the story you've got there! Glad to have you here.

And welcome back, Evan/Composer. Is any of your composition work available to be heard online? Glad you're back!
Hello everyone! I am new to the forum but not new to [toj]. I have just been too busy to play many games the past few years with obtaining my masters degree, getting married, moving to a new state for a job, the list goes on! Anyways, my main interest now is the Total War series especially with Rome 2 being release soon. If there is any interest in starting some Shogun 2: Total War battles please let me know! It is hard to find people to play against online that sometimes just take it too seriously.
I do believe I saw a post from you on the ToJ Facebook page, but welcome to CGA forum membership! :D
Howdy all the names Chris, I'm up here in Colorado. My gamertag, PSN name, and Steam name are all cmpuncle, feel free to look me up. I also play SWTOR with characters Tothard, Dantte and Khreulmydu, theres a forth but I never remember how to spell it.
Hello bro's!

I am new on this forum. I come from Holland and I really love to play World of Tanks.

I am looking for a discussion about this great game, but couldn't find it. I am looking for players to chat about the game. Please let me know if you play World of Tanks.


I can't tell you all how much I've been looking for a community like this. I've been gaming for the majority of my life, and now I'm married with a few children. My priorities have changed obviously with the life changes that have occurred. However, I still enjoy getting my game on when I have the time. I primarily play League of Legends and SMITE. I haven't updated my XBL account in quite some time, but I've been known to dabble in the FPS genres. I was raised on the FPS! :cool:

Thanks for taking to the time to read over this brief dialog about myself.
*tips hat*

"Casually owning noobs since 1995" :D
Phillip "Part Time Player" McKeon
Hi all! My name is Jeroen and I am from The Netherlands. I am looking for fellow World of Tanks players for some brotherly platooning. :)

Be blessed!
Grace and peace to you, brothers and sisters!

My name is Chris and I've been playing SWTOR on the Bergeron Colony server. My main character is Arwindir. I'd be really excited to meet some friends to adventure and explore the Galaxy with.

God bless,
Well geez, I missed a bunch of notifications of new posts here. Sorry for the delay folks, but welcome to CGA, cmpuncle, JFskeezix, Part Time Player, and Arwindir! Hope you're finding what you're looking for here!
Hey, there!

I"m looking forward to finding out more about the LoE guild on Guild Wars 2. I'm also playing a little on Neverwinter, and looking forward to Rift going f2p :)

I prolly won't ever post again, but thank you for having a place for like minded people to gather!

Judaline =D