Needing Mental Recovery


Staff member
So, I have not had a decent night's sleep since starting this new job (which, due to its negative effects on me, I've already put in my resignation notice for... which I find sad but effectively necessary). I wake up multiple times in the middle of night with my mind immediately thinking about work or trying to fill orders. Oh, and I have at least one dream per night about work. The job's not even a notably bad job; I'd even say it's a step up from my last job in most ways.

The result has been complete and utter exhaustion. At first, I was just tired. About a week ago, that tiredness turned into a form of depression; I stopped caring about... well... anything. Would even be in the middle of a SC2 match, in a position where I could easily make a comeback, and just gg because I didn't even care about the game any more. And, in the last couple days, it's moved into a place of feeling like I'm having a mental breakdown; I feel like the only thing I can do is go back to bed and cry for no justifiable reason. It's ridiculous... and totally not manly. :p

I left work early today because I was an anxious mess.

It's time for a mental health day... or three. I really believe that un-haunted sleep is the needed cure here, but I've gotta do what I can do to help improve my situation in my waking hours, too.

Still, prayers for a return to mental health would be quite appreciated.

Thanks, friends.
Praying for you. Sounds like you're under attack and your job is the means of it. Keep strong.