
You guys have never heard of Poe's The Raven????

Geez, the education system nowadays!

(What, you think I'm NOT gonna post in THIS post?)
You guys have never heard of Poe's The Raven????

Geez, the education system nowadays!

(What, you think I'm NOT gonna post in THIS post?)

I don't see how any poetry is relevant to education, actually. If you're going to say something, just say it! Don't make some long meandering poem that beats around the bush until the last stanza.
You guys have never heard of Poe's The Raven????

Geez, the education system nowadays!

(What, you think I'm NOT gonna post in THIS post?)

I don't see how any poetry is relevant to education, actually. If you're going to say something, just say it! Don't make some long meandering poem that beats around the bush until the last stanza.

I love The Raven. How could y'all NOT know it? My sister memorized it when we were in high school. (And The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; I memorized weirder stuff...)

Annabel Lee is creepier though...

By the way, I knew the inspiration for the name the first time I heard someone had named their black moa "Nevermore." Never occurred to me it could be anything else. :)

I don't memorize this stuff because I don't want to feel like I'm emo or something. I'm not saying you or your sister are, but refer to my comment above about my incredulous attitude about the relevance of poetry in schools.
I don't see how any poetry is relevant to education, actually. If you're going to say something, just say it! Don't make some long meandering poem that beats around the bush until the last stanza.

Let's see...among other things, studying poetry improves creative writing skills, vocabulary, critical analysis skills, and reading comprehension.

Gee, why do we waste time with stuff like that? :D
Maid we need to but this into terms C$ understands or soon will......hmmmm let see..... Oh I know .... Girls like poetry. Hence that meandering "meandering poem that beats around the bush until the last stanza" could come in handy some day.

Let's see...among other things, studying poetry improves creative writing skills, vocabulary, critical analysis skills, and reading comprehension.

Gee, why do we waste time with stuff like that? :D

Wow, I've got all those and I read next to no poetry (besides the tripe they force me to read in the literature portion of English 10).

Maid we need to but this into terms C$ understands or soon will......hmmmm let see..... Oh I know .... Girls like poetry. Hence that meandering "meandering poem that beats around the bush until the last stanza" could come in handy some day.


The girl for me is straightforward and wouldn't like to be complemented in a "Song of Solomon" kind of way. I've gotten enough "Oh, that's sweet... *smile*" from other means that I can get by without becoming a bard :p
we werent referring to Song of Solomon...i got a plethora of poems at my nicely too
yeah... comparing a girl to Song of Solomon only works if you're married.

otherwise she'll get pretty offended. (at least with some parts....)
Solomon was pretty...straightforward in many ways. I don't recommend reading it aloud, let's just say. :D

Goodness, no! I think I'd get slapped for quoting some of the stuff he said >_<

Besides, I respect girls too much to compliment their... attributes...
Well, yeah, and also I'm too intelligent to resort to comments like that.

What I seem to be good at is making girls laugh, so I'll stick to that :p

Ya, that is a good idea, the other method is much more painful (well, depends on the person if they don't slap you, you may want to step back and think for a second)