New toj website

Apparently there is a problem with Gamesnet Java IRC client. You actually download the Java Source directly from Gamesnet's site when you use the chat off of ours. I am in the process of trying to find a replacement. But have only had a little bit of time to devote to that compared to getting the rest of the site up.
=O i think the DoD page should be wrapping up soon, im gonna talk to DH today about that now tha ti think of it.
im not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but..

the FAQ seems to have a few bugs.

good work plank the site looks great  
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Plankeye @ Feb. 11 2003,7:39)]Apparently there is a problem with Gamesnet Java IRC client.  You actually download the Java Source directly from Gamesnet's site when you use the chat off of ours.
*laughs nervously* Yeh...Heh...That crazy web designer must have accidentally referenced the URL for the Gamesnet Java IRC client. Those crazy web people...

*whistles and walks away nonchalantly*
Don't worry; if anyone is to blame, it is Mercury.  It is obviously all his fault.  It is very sad actually...

Oh you mean the chat...

My bad.  

Actually I have some promising leads on replacement java chat applets.  I think I could even do something like have a table setup in the database that would allow for staff monkeys to add and remove channels.  The channels could then be displayed before entering chat so we can select which channel we want to go to like #ToJ or #ToJ-CS or whatever is entered in.  At that point, I could also look at making a Chat link available to the individual chapter pages that would open the chat applet up and connect them to their channel for that chapter. Of course this is all in the theoretical stages.

As of the FAQ, I found out the problem.  I am working on a small update as we speak that will squash that nasty bug.  Then Tek can give me a treat for being a good code monkey.
Have u sorted it so that i can start approving members?

I click approve/deny but nothing happens at the moment. I assume thats cos the roster still needs setting up and once its done everyone will apply o_O
Hey plank, I was wondering how abouts you made the site. Obviously it was PHP, but um... what kind of "system" did you use? I program in PHP and would be pretty interested to see how you did it. The system I was using before was pretty make-shift what with text files called "News1.txt" and password files called "pass.txt" :p.

But hey! I made it all from scratch!

Anyway, the site looks awesome just on a coding level, and then on top of that you went and had a good design. Blah.

I am behind on my end in getting the approve page going.  I am making it a priority to finish it Saturday (as I have to make tonight a priority with the wife or I won't be around on Saturday) so we can get the members going.


Actually, the new site is in Cold Fusion with a sql backend.  I use Dreamweaver MX for editing the pages.  Cold Fusion is like PHP in that they allow for scripting against a data source to display dynamic content.  Where they differ is how to code it.  Cold Fusion is tag based.  If you look at a Cold Fusion page, that tags look just like the HTML tags.  The only difference is that all Cold Fusion tags are prefixed with CF.  While PHP you have to escape the HTML output using the <% %> or however you have PHP configured.  This makes Cold Fusion easy to pick up for people who are familiar with writing just HTML pages.  In terms of features, both have their strong points and is really dependant on what you want to accomplish in the end.  Personally, PHP would be the last language I would use as it is much easier to accomplish the same tasks in ASP or Cold Fusion.  But that is personal experience from dealing with the three languages for the past 4 years.

In terms of the system.  That is still a work in progress.  The style and layout are accomplished using several include files.  Some content is still static but I will be working on moving everything to be database driven.  That way it should be extremely easy for the chapter and staff leaders to modify elements of the site using forms in the member section's main menu.

Becareful with text files as datasources.  If you do not secure them properly, people can download the files directly from your site.  If possible, stick them in a folder outside of the webroot and lock down the access to that folder.  But, text files are by far the cheapest if you hosting company doesn't support MySQL, MS SQL or Access Databases.  If you have any additional questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.
Sorry for not finding the thread again for a week, I've been busy (kind of) but more lazy.

Anyway, thanks for answering that. I'm pretty sure my text files are secure, seeing as how my dad makes his server gosh darn secure and all. I used textfiles only because it was the easiest thing to learn and now my dad won't set up my directory of the server with mySQL until I can prove that I can do something with it.

I've heard of Cold Fusion, but it didn't seem to me like it wasn't as dynamic, but I was reading it from a PHP site/article so it was probably pretty biased. It probably doesn't even matter because my dad's server isn't set up for it anyway, I don't think.

I might want to use a system my dad does, which involves Python.. He codes it dynamically, but the code prings a .html file so that it loads fast. I really like that, because it seems in every way better, only I'm too lazy to learn about mySQL & PHP, never the less a whole 'nother language.. at least till the summer, and hopefully I can work out my mySQL & PHP page.

I really have to get around to learning mySQL, but I probably won't until the next 3-day weekend, which might not be until easter vaca, which is getting closer and closer, yay!

A few more questions.. Does dreamweaver help in the coding of Cold Fusion? How?... also, would be at all possible for me to look through the code? I would understand if it were a no, but I wanna see "how" it works without asking you a million questions :p.


You can now modify your member information by logging into the site. Also, I made several of the fields larger on the Join application incase anyone is still having a problem with their names be too long.

SirLagalott, Dreamweaver helps out a lot but by no means is it a requirement for writing cold fusion. It is just a tool that makes things a little easier. Notepad is a perfectly acceptable editor. I could send you some code if you are interested in learning Cold Fusion, just send me an email:
I must say that plank has reduced my workload considerably.. and he will forever pwn me.

I just have a couple more silly pages to get out of the way like the staff and faq pages than I can move on to some fun things like online flash games that will keep track of high scores. Then we can really see who pwns who...

Thinking of online flash games, make sure to vote on the new poll.
Plank - I logged in to the site 'n all, that's cool, but how do I set up my Chapter info, which chapters I'm in, etc?