New UT2004 Server


New Member
Just finished setting up another server.  Got a 14 slot UT2004 server playing onslaught maps.  Check it out at:

There is very limited information on setting up and configuring UT2004 servers so if something doesn't feel right while playing it, let me know.

Also, you can always see the status of Tribe of Judah game servers at the following address
Hey Plankeye this is great. I couldn't get in the server by direct ip address input. I tried to find it from the internet game finder inside the game and no luck. I tried using HLSW and it couldn't find it. I thought I'd let you know. thanks a bunch.CS
Alright, looks like it is going to be another day before I can look into it. I have class tonight and have already had a long day at work and there is still 4 hours to go. So hopefully i can have it up by Wednesday.
Thanks again for taking this on Plank. You guys are all making it difficult to not get in a play.


Plankeye, would this site help?
Yup, the unrealadmin site has been a great resource. Lots of good tutorials. Anyways, after downloading the beta linux server patch for version 3204 and installing it things seem to be working great. I even have the web administrator interface hooked up. So if there are problems during the day, I can admin the server from work.

Anyways, my time is limited, lighting off in the distance. Let me know how the server plays.
Hey that played fair for me. I played on game ONS- ArcticStronghold then it played a second then when it changed maps to ONS- Crossfire it disconnected and now I can't get back into the server to play more. Thanks again for the UT server.CS
Bah. I guess my first clue into the UT server not being stable should have been the startup batch file for Windows.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">@echo off
ucc server %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 -log=server.log
copy server.log servercrash.log
goto 10[/QUOTE]

Basically it is an infinite loop that will copy the server log after the server dies and goto the top of the batch file and start the server again.

GG epic...

I'll continue looking for answers today.
Yeah, I'll play around with it tonight some more. If I don't find an answer, I have already written a script that detects if the server is already running before it tries to start it. I could just setup the script to run periodically to keep the server alive. But I hate doing that as the server shouldn't be this unstable.
Sorry about that. The UT server is going to require some more playing around to get it to be more stable.

Right now I have a script that will restart it if it senses it is down and the script is set to run every 5 minutes. We will see what happens.

UT server is the sorriest piece of junk I have ever had the displeasure of installing. I got Half Life servers running up the wazoo but this UT server fails to stay running for more than 15 minutes at a time. But, I am determined to get this thing going. So bare with me.
If this information helps you:

I added the server to my favorites, and it is now reporting the actual server name instead of "Unknown Server", but the Map, Ping, and Players fields are blank.
Could it be an issue of RAM? Maybe you can't run so many servers all at the same time, and the UT one is the one that gives up first to make the system stable. What OS are you trying to run it on?
It is an AMD 3000 box with 1 GB of RAM. Even with three Half Life server running, there is still 820 MB of RAM free. CPU utilization is pretty open too as only the CS server gets any players. The operating system is linux. I will have a chance to play around with it this weekend but I have to say that it is just a bad server. But I will get it running eventually.