officaly changing my main

don't blame you mordos. heres how tanking works anyway, "hey that toons got more hitpoints, make him main tank" i hate what blizz has done to warrior tanks, they have messed them up royally. they have gone from bad to worse, and the gear is so bad for them you spend all your time trying to juggle gems to make your defense cap and lose ground on all the other necessary stats in doing so and trying to keep your hit points up, so don't get me started on what bliz has done to our toons. my gems are almost all def and stam, and that really is bad. and, i get a "higher" piece of gear, and the def stat is worse, explain that. ok, was that grumbly enough to make my point? don't roll a warrior to tank!

Oh? I don't agree with this... My HP where 28k and my def is capped with not Def gems... I didn't have those issues.
Mordos:Oh? I don't agree with this... My HP where 28k and my def is capped with not Def gems... I didn't have those issues cause i go to every raid and got best gear and am super leet.


seriously, i am having those issues, guess i still need gear upgrades, are you using titans grip mordos? you like it?
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LOL!!! Titan's grip is great!! Just a tad of a pain to get to a point where damage is flowing.