ok healing was not for me!!!! =)

seeing it took me over 6 months to get to lvl70 , it had better be worth it and arnt we suppost to be talking about some person going back to ret ....
Brug your avatar is causing me to have naughty thoughts.

like for example, what does that tiny little writing say...
it says this " We can never be certain of our courage until we have faced danger " in the picture the guy with teh sword is protecting the girl hanging on to him.
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555 DPS has out DPSed just about anyone in a PUG I am came across...and my gear sucks...so...what do you think?

Must've been a bad player, no way you would've beat me...

I also don't think it is very nice to talk about Ret pallies badly...especially because we are actually good...you don't know how it feels to be kicked out of 80% of groups because you say you are DPS...it is tough...so lay off...

1v1 me if you want, whisper me on sapphiron.

ret pallies are awesome in arenas right now, idk what you guys are talking about, but I ran with warr/ret/resto druid right now in 3s, and its a perfect combo, they just suck at 1v1 sometimes.

in a group though, you don't bring enough utility to justify your lack of damage output.

(notice i said dmg output, not dps)
Well, I have some questions, is 2400 white crit too low? and 2600 Yellow too low? I am constantly criting that high, and I don't know of too many others that can...
well i think all classes have there perks. ive seen ret pallies slaughter ppl and then again ive seen ret pallies get slaughetered. it all depends on how its played! like if i went to play a ret pally it would be HORRID. or if someone came and played my hunter that they didnt lvl with and learn how to use the talents just right then they would do horrid to. it all depends on the player and the situation
ret pallies are awesome in arenas right now, idk what you guys are talking about, but I ran with warr/ret/resto druid right now in 3s, and its a perfect combo, they just suck at 1v1 sometimes.

I have to agree on the 1v1 thing for the most part. I don't even do that well in arena's but maybe it's for lack of PVP talents and gear. My spec is fully focused on raid dps. Maybe I just stink at PVP but I doubt it.

I laughed soooooo hard when I heard Brug say that he's been discriminated against for being holy. :confused: I get asked constantly to heal instances so I know how easy it would be to find a group. There is a huge stigma when it comes to Ret pallys. It doesn't matter that I'm in mostly T5 level gear I still get kicked from groups regularly without even a hint of remorse. Unless I know the leader of the group I can pretty much guarantee I'm getting kicked if any other DPS offers to come. Most of the time I don't get too angry because I've run with a lot of ret pallys who are just horrible. When I'm putting a group together on my warrior and a ret pally wants to join I cringe... I want to invite them because I've been rejected so many times but at the same time I don't think they will be any good. In most cases I can say that my experience with ret pallys were not good and it makes angry to see these guys walkin around givin' us a bad name. :mad:
Well, I have some questions, is 2400 white crit too low? and 2600 Yellow too low? I am constantly criting that high, and I don't know of too many others that can...

The problem with saying that you crit for 2600 is that in alot of PVP these days you DONT crit. Resiliance tears up our burst dmg since we rely on crit to get vengance going.
I think I've said it before, but my friend's guild routinely clears BT and they always bring a ret pally for the buffs.