Passion of Christ


New Member
Never in my life have I ever seen the media try to be as hard on a movie as with the passion of Christ

Yes, it is anti-semetic, but so is the Bible. No matter how you put it, the Jewish Leaders put Jesus to death. I wish the news would say that, atleast if they are going to critisize the movie give it credit for it biblical accuracy.

Anyways, what do we all think on this topic?
Having suffered under censorship imposed because of an overly sensitive and litigious society I look forward with great interest to see how the filmmakers are forced to "edit" the story of JC's death.
I SAW IT. its awesome. a few things were missing though like words that were said example: I could call down # legions of angels. but other than that it was done really well and it had it in there that the jews killed Jesus
No one killed Jesus. He gave himself of his own freewill. If you couldn't pick that up from the movie, then I'm sorry but you're a sucky reviewer.
Yes it was a very good movie and accurate too. My biggest problem is that Mel Gibson casted Monica Bellucci as Mary Magdalene. Well it wasent of course 100% accurate but the things that were off werent to awfully bad. ~EDIT~ I guess I woman died of a heart attack during the movie. Click Here
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Feb. 26 2004,10:23)]Yes it was a very good movie and accurate too. My biggest problem is that Mel Gibson casted Monica Bellucci as Mary Magdalene. Well it wasent of course 100% accurate but the things that were off werent to awfully bad. ~EDIT~ I guess I woman died of a heart attack during the movie. Click Here
Whats wrong with bellucci?

The movie is like a roller coaster, don't ride unless you know you're able to handle it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (MaxX @ Feb. 26 2004,1:32)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Feb. 26 2004,10:23)]Yes it was a very good movie and accurate too. My biggest problem is that Mel Gibson casted Monica Bellucci as Mary Magdalene. Well it wasent of course 100% accurate but the things that were off werent to awfully bad. ~EDIT~ I guess I woman died of a heart attack during the movie. Click Here
Whats wrong with bellucci?

The movie is like a roller coaster, don't ride unless you know you're able to handle it.
I was reading somthing about the passion and she is a porn star.
I saw the movie and it is indeed gory but does portray Jesus' story pretty accurately biblically and historically
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Grand Master @ Feb. 26 2004,3:29)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I guess I woman died of a heart attack during the movie.

Looks like faith did her a lot of good.  I guess Jesus was too busy to help her this time.
Or maybe she was so shocked that Hollywood would accurately portray Christ's sacrifice, that it killed her
[b said:
Quote[/b] (CCGR @ Feb. 26 2004,5:15)]He does, maybe it was her time to die.
No he doesent. Isiah 54:15 "If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing whoever attacks you will surrender to you."
as far as the actor in quest goes, she is not a porn star but in alot of her movies she ends up taking her top off. (my brother told me, his big grudge against the movie) but if you look at who they protray her as ( the prostitute who Jesus saved from stoning) then maybe that charact is not to far off, she was no Mary Mag, Mary Mag, had demonds cast out of her, the flash backs of her was the prostitute scence, my beef with the movie. lol
[b said:
Quote[/b] (LionOfJudah @ Feb. 26 2004,6:35)]as far as the actor in quest goes, she is  not a porn star but in alot of her movies she ends up taking her top off. (my brother told me, his big  grudge against the movie) but if you look at who they protray her as ( the prostitute who Jesus saved from stoning) then maybe that charact is not to far off, she was no Mary Mag, Mary Mag, had demonds cast out of her, the flash backs of her was the prostitute scence, my beef with the movie. lol
I would call her a porn star. Here is a little snip from what i was reading.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The actors in this film may be unknown to American Christians who never darken the door of a movie theater, but they are quite well-known to the rest of the Western world. In fact, to say that James Caviezel and Monica Bellucci are well-known is an enormous understatement. Monica Bellucci, who plays Mary Magdalene in Gibson’s “Passion” movie, is a famous pornography star! She is quite the rage in Europe as well as “one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood” (according to one fan site). A search on the internet for “Monica Bellucci” brings up numerous pornographic websites featuring this Italian actress posing in varying degrees of nudity, partial to full. Having said this, we advise against viewing these websites. If you must verify our reporting, we recommend that only mature women view Bellucci’s Italian website.

Ms. Belluci is no ordinary porn star, but performs in such hardcore pornography films as the 2002 production, Irreversible. “Premiered at last years Cannes Film Festival, ‘Irreversible’ proved so shocking that 250 people walked out, some needing medical attention...

“Irreversible, directed by Franco-Argentinian director Gaspar Noe, describes a woman's rape and her boyfriend's bloody quest for revenge... The script consists almost entirely of expletives directed against homosexuals and women, and a scene in which Italian actress Monica Bellucci is raped lasts a horrifying 10 minutes. Shown anti-chronologically –– the violent conclusion first followed by sequences taking the viewer back through events –– the film delivers a stomach-churning opening punch set in 'Rectum,' a sado-masochist gay club.

“Fire wardens had to administer oxygen to 20 people (at the Cannes Festival) who fainted during the film - which includes a 10-minute depiction of sodomy and also contains graphic scenes of rape and murder. (The French sex-violence film Baise-Moi, which Bill Hastings failed to ban or impose cuts to, also has a lengthy explicit violent rape scene complete with penetration shots and depictions of sodomy).

“...Italian actress Monica Bellucci, whose character is raped and beaten in the film, said it was good to let people feel a range of emotions. 'This is a film that people love or they hate, but it's good to have these kind of extremes,' she said.”
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I guess I woman died of a heart attack during the movie.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Looks like faith did her a lot of good. I guess Jesus was too busy to help her this time.

[sarcasm]Good heavens. Must be absolutely UNTHINKABLE that God should ever let ANYONE die. :-p. How horrible! The humanity! People dying! Can you BELIEVE it? Like, WOW! To THINK! Dying! And it can happen any time and anywhere? How scary! We should go to the government and make an appeal! This serioius issue has simply GOT to be addressed and changed![/sarcasm] Or...we could stop whining about every dove that falls from the sky, as it were. Do you think God knows nothing about this or doesn't care? Apparently, in that movie theatre was her time and place to die. Maybe her life was changed in her last minutes watching the movie...hopefully, anyway.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ][on the topic of Monica Bellucci]

Porn stars in Christian movies. [sarcasm]Cry me a river.[/sarcasm] Was her acting good enough for the part? Did she get naked? Yes and No? Okay...what was the problem again? Hey, who knows, maybe the name will draw in more non-Christians that wouldn't have seen it otherwise, but there's no reason it should drive away any Christians. Maybe it was planned that way.
You're missing the whole point of moral superiority - which is not to live a good life, but to sneer at other peoples lives, SLAM. Let the good people burn their books, burn their films and then hitch their belts up over the waists and go back home to beat the demons out of their wives and children <rolls eyes>

After all, we wouldn't want anything dangerous like an unclothed woman affecting peoples behavior, would we? We all know how people are sheep and can't look at something without needing to imitate it.
pop that sounds like a load of propaganda a midwestern preacher in a small town would be saying from the pulpit. As far as Monica goes, She may have the skeltons, but you dont know if this movie changed her life, OR, maybe She asked mel to be in it, and after much time he allowed her to be in it. Maybe it was a part she wanted, like i have said before she is not Mary Mag, She is the No named Prostitute in John where Jesus writes in the sand, now if the decided to slap the name Mary Mag on there then, shame on them for bad context and casting, but that is something they have to deal with,

As far as her getting naked, well thats a YES
she had her head uncovered, which in the middle east is considered nudity on a women, ecspecially during jesus' times.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Feb. 26 2004,11:42)]No he doesent. Isiah 54:15 "If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing whoever attacks you will surrender to you."
um...yea...this would be yet another case of someone taking the Bible out of context.  Don't pull verses out of thin air that might apply.  This verse has nothing to do with this situation directly, but probably only the surrounding context in Isaiah.  Research it before you use it.

People, DON'T take the Bible out of context.  That is a definite no-no...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]As far as her getting naked, well thats a YES
she had her head uncovered, which in the middle east is considered nudity on a women, ecspecially during jesus' times.

lol...very good point...
I'm no stranger to the point of moral superiority, Eon. Believe me, it disgusts me as much as it obviously does you.