Prayer Request


New Member
I seem to be sinking in to some sort of depressive funk. I'm not sure if the cause is situational or chemical, or if this has something to do with my latest meds adjustment. At any rate I don't like it.

I'm noticing that I'm feeling actual depression, i.e. sad without any direct cause, for the first time in a long time. It's dragging out longer than my usual little dip, and I've noticed myself withdrawing from social situations again, something I haven't done since I was near rock bottom in high school.

I'm hoping it's situational. We have some debt issues and family issues going on. Also my lawn mower is currently broking and the growth in my front yard is just like a big mess to greet me everyday when I get home. Bunch of little things.

What is bothering me most about this is that we have been blessed so much lately. Things are lining up that should have my horrid credit cleaned up in less than a year. I'm greatful for all this, but it's really hard on my spiritually to have to fight through depression right as I have the most to be thankful for.

So I'm going to work on cleaning up the areas I spend my time in, and make everything as non-depressing as I can. But as I think at least part of this may be spiritual (it started right after I decided I wanted to put more effort into being active as a Christian) I wanted to also ask for prayer support.

I'll be praying for you. Also I can recommend St. John's Wart tea but only if the doctor says its ok to take along with your meds. Be careful about that, but if you can take it you'll probably love it. Works great for me. Chamomile tea would be a good alternative, works well for a lot of people.

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The best thing to do in depressions is have something to do, most people get depressed because their life changes radically in the summer. They dont see their friends every day, they dont have a goal to work toward. Every year we loose a kid or 2 in our area because they commit suicide over the summer, its really sad.

I usually set projects to do over the summer, I enjoy working on computers, so I set stuff to do when i get bored/depressed. Luckly my youth pastor is really good and will decided to hold get-togethers to help with the general mood.
Halonic said:
Diet Mountain Dew works wonders for me.

Me too! But I can't take it at the moment, because I'm testing my drugs and altering doseages, and it might make me look unusually hyper, which would indicate I didnt have ADD (if the response was caused by the drugs themselves.)

I do intend to buy and consume an entire case when it won't cause me problems, though!
I will definatley be praying for you! It sounds like you are going through some pretty tough spiritual warfare.

techwhosaysnee said:
it started right after I decided I wanted to put more effort into being active as a Christian
That is something that the devil really does not like to see, and often when people consciously make that decision their life starts to get harder in one way or another. I have noticed that the popular, secularized view of the devil is far from accurate, he's not a pitch fork wielding red imp who is bent on destruction, but a sneaky serpent who works in much more subtle ways, one who wants to keep you occupied doing anything but God's will, which usually translates to the easy life. I always find James 1: 2-4 to be very encouraging when I face times like this.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything, James 1: 2-4 (NIV)
So sorry, Mike. Of course I'll be praying for you. I've been there, and I know how tough it is.

But you're right: a large part of it is probably spiritual, not situational. It's not all in your mind; it's not a sign you're not spiritual enough (as you may hear; I know I've heard it). In fact, it's usually when you're growing that the Adversary seeks out your every weakness to use against you. This means that if you have depressive tendencies, he'll use those.

He may try to sabotage your relationships and cut you off from your support system. Just be on your guard; if you know what he's doing, he has that much less power. And remember that his power IS limited: you're a child of the King!

If you need someone to talk to, you know where to find us!

(Sorry if I'm a bit disjointed; I haven't been awake long!)
Will be praying Mike. If you decided to make a mental effort to be a more active Christian Satan is for sure after you. When a man decides that he and his houshold is going to live for Christ, Satan is going to attack that man with all he has. BUT it will not be more than YOU can bear. Remember the God is on your side. I will be praying for you. I believe satan has attcked men in our country to destroy families. I am not saying women are not equal to the men but the Husband was intented lead the family Spiritually as well as be a protecter for his wife and children. Satan has done an effective job destroying families by bringing down men. I am praying for you and I know the lord will guide you through this. Lean on him and you will get out of this and look back as something that you will be glad you went through. We love you and are here for you and Teresa. And people this is very important pls stay on topic.
one2dredd said:
I believe satan has attcked men in our country to destroy families. I am not saying women are not equal to the men but the Husband was intented lead the family Spiritually as well as be a protecter for his wife and children. Satan has done an effective job destroying families by bringing down men.
Well said, Dredd. Satan isn't just attacking individual men: he's attacking their very identity and role in society. Plenty of the women I know think I'm somehow less because my husband is the leader of our family. (Family of two, but still...)

But as I'm sure y'all have figured out, my spirit is not in the least crushed by his leadership... :D (Or Kel's spirit by Rho's, or your wife's by yours. I could name dozens strong women who flourish under their husband's spiritual leadership.)

So just be aware, Mike. I've heard you talk about your wife, and I know how devoted to each other y'all are. I hate to say it, but you can probably expect Satan to attack the bond the two of you share. But God will be with you.

I'll keep praying for you both.
It's not a popular opinion in our society, but the Bible states that men are to be the leaders of their households. How that looks varies from marriage to marriage, but I can tell you that you can tell how strong a Christian marriage is by how tender the husband is to his wife, and how much respect the woman gives to her husband.

There is a reason that Paul (the apostle, not dorkelf) commands husbands to love their wives, and wives to respect their husbands (Eph 5:33). It is because men naturally respect, and women naturally love. It's how we're wired. Men also crave respect, and women crave tenderness. Meeting that one basic need of your spouse will solve 50% of marriage problems.

And yes, it's stereotypical, and liberals would even call that sexist. That doesn't make it untrue.
I couldn't agree more Pastori.

People fail to realize that having different roles in a marriage doesn't mean that one gender is superior or inferior to the other, it's just the way God has designed it.

I recently went through pre-marital counseling with our pastor, so all of this is still fresh to me, and I hope I never forget it.
Myself and Tammy will both be praying for you as well. The situation sounds similar to what we have gone through(still going through). There is the key, going Through. You can get through it, sometimes it seems you wont. God always will see us through. Its how we have to learn and grow. It is a hard lesson for me to learn.

I'm touched by some of these responses. Sometimes I still get shocked by what real Christian fellowship is like. In previous experiences opening myself like this would have led to one public prayer in the church, and 100 little conversations about how I just need to "get over it," or how I simply must not be "praying hard enough." It used to make me so angry, the attitude that the would project on people who admitted spiritual weakness. Now it just makes me sad, because I know they're all hiding it.

Sorry I haven't updated sooner, I've been getting a bit busy. We have started a second job (paper route) to help kill our debt so we can put more focus on living in His will. This means I work 10 hour days (12 with commute) at my job and then work hours 14-17 delivering papers to various apartments (some with stairs) and by the time we're done I've been so sore I could barely walk, and I've been getting about 3 hours of sleep every night to heal up. The excercise factor is one of the reasons I took the job, so I expected this.... but DANG, it almost seems better to continue being fat and lazy. :D

This depression thing has been going on for years. It's either genetic or just a habit I picked up from my parents. It only seems to be worse now, because I finally got over some pride issues, and am seeking help for some of my brain-related issues. Now that I'm not physically depressed, these thought-patterns are just completely disfunctional, so it's much more obvious to me now. When I prayed for help on this I was sort of hoping for an instant healing, but I guess God wants me to run up and down stairs until I'm healed instead.

Sorry for the length, just wanted to post an accurate update, since I've been quiet all week. Please continue to pray for me (and my wife who is trying to help me on this route until I get it - despite her migraines) and who suffers from her own psychological and physical stumbling blocks.

Glory to God for what he has done and is doing in my life, and hopefully one day I'll deserve some of it!

Thank you all for being here for me. I love my binary church. :)
This topic is actuallyone of my depressing points.

We share this traditional view of marriage. But one of the inherent problems with our age difference is she's just so much more advanced than I am. I know so little about life and the nature of God (compared to her, she's been into apologetics since before I knew Christ) and it's hard to not fail as a leader. And when you know failure is so easy, it's really hard to not stop trying.

Now that I've gotten my attention-span issues under control, hopefully in my free time I can develop some better study habits. It's hard to really read some of the bible when by the third begat, you're always getting distracted by something shiney.

I do want to be a good husband, though. It's really the only goal I've ever had consistantly. Hopefully I will be, whenever God has finished beating this lesson of His into my thick skull. :)

MaidMirawyn said:
Well said, Dredd. Satan isn't just attacking individual men: he's attacking their very identity and role in society. Plenty of the women I know think I'm somehow less because my husband is the leader of our family. (Family of two, but still...)

But as I'm sure y'all have figured out, my spirit is not in the least crushed by his leadership... :D (Or Kel's spirit by Rho's, or your wife's by yours. I could name dozens strong women who flourish under their husband's spiritual leadership.)

So just be aware, Mike. I've heard you talk about your wife, and I know how devoted to each other y'all are. I hate to say it, but you can probably expect Satan to attack the bond the two of you share. But God will be with you.

I'll keep praying for you both.