ToJ Server Whitelist

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I am interested in joining a Christian guild. I was hoping to join a local one (Dallas, TX). Bot, considering the fact that most of us are scattered throughout the country and it's only thanks to online forums that we can communicate at all, I'm beginning to think that that was a bit of a stretch. As such, if I join, what all does that entail? Does it just mean that, in every game I join, my call sign will include [ToJ] at the beginning?

Since this is the Minecraft Chapter forums for ToJ, this might be better asked in the ToJ General thread.. I dont think havng the [ToJ] tag in your name is a requirement though.. :) Most of here in MC do not..
Minecraft User Name: Joshua725
Real Life First Name (optional): Clinton
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 21-35
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): No
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: CGA forums.
Minecraft User Name: Joshua725
Real Life First Name (optional): Clinton
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 21-35
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): No
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: CGA forums.

Added. Sorry I didnt see this earlier.. :)
Minecraft User Name: Craig9008
Real Life First Name (optional):Craig
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):23
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): N/A
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: I think I use to be on the white list, and found this on Google or something, and then just found it in my history again.
Minecraft User Name: ZardeAlonus
Agegroup: 17-20
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): TF2
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: HappyCatFish, Blagora
Minecraft User Name: Craig9008
Real Life First Name (optional):Craig
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):23
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): N/A
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: I think I use to be on the white list, and found this on Google or something, and then just found it in my history again.

I don't see any record of you... What's your user name for That's the first step of getting on the whitelist.

Edit: Oh, I think I see... I see you posted an application for WWJD last year. We did share a server for a brief time... I bet that was when you were on. We are separate groups. Just give your username and I'll whitelist you!
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I don't see any record of you... What's your user name for That's the first step of getting on the whitelist.

Edit: Oh, I think I see... I see you posted an application for WWJD last year. We did share a server for a brief time... I bet that was when you were on. We are separate groups. Just give your username and I'll whitelist you!

This was PM'd to me..
IcthusKnight said:
My username is IcthusKnight just like on
Name as appears on ToJ Roster:generalsaudi Minecraft User Name:Lyncher Real Life First Name (optional):Saudi Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):21-35 Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):TF2, GW2, NS2 How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:this forum
Name as appears on ToJ Roster:generalsaudi Minecraft User Name:Lyncher Real Life First Name (optional):Saudi Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):21-35 Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):TF2, GW2, NS2 How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:this forum

Whitelisted! Welcome aboard!
JGouldie has been added, requested from another thread.
Tribe of Judah Username: JGouldie, also in TF2 and GW/GW2
Minecraft User Name: Craig9008
Real Life First Name (optional):Craig
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):23
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): N/A
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: I think I use to be on the white list, and found this on Google or something, and then just found it in my history again.

Got you on the whitelist. Thank you for being patient for your name to appear on the ToJ Roster. :)
i was added to the whitelist in the past, however its been quite a while since i joined you guys on the server. have had some downtime from other games and wanted to get back into the Minecraft thing. was hoping to be re added.

Name as appears on ToJ Roster: Deusxmachina
Minecraft User Name: Regnartsemos
Real Life First Name (optional): Joshua
Age Group (21-35):
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):none
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: I have had toons in The forgiven on World of Warcraft for years, and i have occasionally popped on and off the CGA forums to see if anything interesting was going on.
Jake (my son is Owen)
I'm 34 (son is 7)
I have been active in several TOJ chapters in the past, but I have none currently
Added TabbyCatMeow, my daughter. She should only be on here while I am as well. :)
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