Thanks for your support Danny!
I've linked a strat from an excellent site: The site has excellent fight descriptions/strats and even pretty pictures for those with low intellect (ie. my 36INT Tank...). Here's the write-up on the Northrend Beasties:
Please check out the site and full write-up. Here are some of the more pertinent strats & gotchas related to Acidmaw & Dreadmaw, our "beloved" Jormungar wormies:
Dreadscale will come in first, and should be picked up by one tank, who needs to immediately face the worm away from the raid, and begin kiting him around the edge of the floor as Slime Pools appear beneath him. Just a couple of seconds after Dreadscale appears, Acidmaw will burst out of the ground. There is a dust cloud animation on the ground while he is under it; everyone should be sure to stand clear, because he will one-shot-kill any DPS players or healers standing on top of him when he emerges. The second tank will need to Taunt Acidmaw, again being sure to face him away from the raid.
Assign a group of 4-5 ranged DPS to attack Dreadscale while the rest of the raid is concentrating on burning down Acidmaw (kill Acidmaw first because, if Dreadscale dies first, your raid will be getting hit with Paralytic Toxin with no way to remove it).
About 35-40 seconds into the fight, both jormungar will burrow into the ground, and move randomly around the Coliseum floor. Again, there will be dust cloud animations indicating their positions, and raid members need to make sure to avoid them. Once the two reemerge, they will have swapped roles; Dreadscale will stand stationary, and Acidmaw will be mobile.
So, the tanks need to swap roles as well. The mobile tank will need to pick Acidmaw up quickly, and begin kiting him along the outside of the floor, just as with Dreadscale before. The stationary tank will need to pick up Dreadscale, and face him away from the raid, just as he/she did before with Acidmaw. Acidmaw will begin dropping Slime Pools, melee DPS should move over to Dreadscale. All ranged DPS (including the 4-5 that were damaging Dreadscale before the burrowing) should continue to kill Acidmaw.
Throughout the fight:
- Make sure all ranged DPS and healers are staying spread out, so as to minimize damage from Burning Bile.
- Make sure everyone but the tank stays behind the stationary jormungar, so they don't get hit with Paralytic/Burning Spray.
- Make sure those with Burning Bile know to move toward anyone with Paralytic Toxin, to remove it. Make sure they also know to avoid others as much as possible, so they don't hurt more people than they need to.
- Make sure those who get Paralytic Toxin move toward a Burning Bile carrier while they can still move, and call it out if they can no longer move.
For a reasonably well geared raid (ie. in partial to full tier 8 or equivalent), Acidmaw will likely die before the two jormungar burrow again. If he doesn't, then the tanks will need to swap roles again, and the DPS will need to resume damage on the targets they had at the beginning of the encounter.
When Acidmaw does die, healers will need to watch the tank handling Dreadscale because of the increased damage he will be taking as Dreadscale enrages. If Acidmaw dies while Dreadscale is in his mobile phase (which is likely), watch out especially for Molten Spew, and don't let the tank die to it. The raid will take higher damage too. Also, melee will need to take care that they don't kill themselves by standing in a Slime Pool as they try to finish off Dreadscale.
If Acidmaw dies while Dreadscale is in his stationary phase, then healers will need to watch not only the tank, but all of the melee as well, and top them up quickly after each enrage-boosted Sweep.
As soon as Dreadscale dies, Icehowl will be let loose upon your raid.
I look forward to taking these two and Icehowl down on Monday. Put yer gamefaces on!