Trial of the Crusader (10) - Mon. 8/24

I'm still vacationing from WoW and work too! I'll come back to WoW on 31 August I think... Thought I'd stop by to see how everyone is doing...
This *might* be to early for me given my latency issues during peak ours, but w/e the case, good luck!
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As in the Northrend Beasts PWND! us...

In actuality, I had a complete blast and haven't laughed that hard playing WoW in a long time. I still can visualize Nathan's shammy (Drensharra) banging on the gate to be let out before she became a grease smudge on the coliseum floor on one of our (several) wipes. Then coming back inside to see a scantily clad Esua dancing a jig which hurt our eyes even more so than Eric's singing hurts the ears... Seriously though, it took us 3 wipes to get the Gormok the Impaler fight down, but we are now comfortable with it. Stay out of the fire, burn down the snobolds asap, disarm Gormok as often as possible, and tanks switch @ 3 stacks of impale...

However, the Jormungar (Acidmaw and Dreadscale) fight automatically starts right after Gormok is downed. Poison clouds (aka Grobbulus) drop all over the place, you have to cleanse whatever poison is on you by running over to the other worm, worms burrow underneath and wipe aggro... Yeah, we didn't get too far into that fight. :eek:

When we down them next week, our new nemesis Icehowl will be waiting for us. Strat is to keep him in the center, he stuns, AoE's, and charges a random player. Before he charges, everyone gets a slight speed buff (ala Big Bad Wolf encounter from Kara). Run to either side because his charge will kill you 100% of the time. When he does miss you, he stuns himself on the wall and takes 100% increased damage for the next 15 seconds or so.

Just a disclaimer on raid invites for this run: I plan to keep this 100% in guild. However, the bosses drop iLvl 232 loot (Ulduar 25 is iLvl 226). Being fully decked out in iLvl 213+ gear is really the minimum to survive and fully contribute (2,500DPS, 30K+ HP for a tank, etc.). Plug your toon into and look at your overall score. A score of 2,200 would be the starting point. As more of us learn the fight and get geared I'll be a bit more flexible on invites. I apologize for the strict policy, but until we can get the fights down it's still going to be a bit of a wipefest for even our most geared and frequent raiders. Keep running Heroics (get your T8 Helm and Chest) and H. TotChampion (5man) to pick up some really nice iLvl 219 gear. That should move you along quite nicely.

Last, I've popped this event up on GEM for next week (8/31). Hope to get the Jormungars down and if we can I'm confident Icehowl will cough up some L33t epix! :D
hey bob maybe u should put u coming on the run cause it says u not coming, it hard to lead when not there :P
I signed up for the run yesterday for next week as a tank. My wow heros score is 2294 and according to them I am good for it. My unbuffed hitpoints is are 32,294 aswell.
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well I am not a fan of wow-hero's since they dont know how people actually play they dont take in diff things so gear check it good play check it sucks, rhys is 2437 dps and 2431 for tank gear lol

yet I would say play wise now days i am under 2000 lol
I apologize for the strict policy, but until we can get the fights down it's still going to be a bit of a wipefest for even our most geared and frequent raiders.

No need to apologize for doing something right.
If I was leading this I'd be just as strict. (Maybe moreso) I've never used Wowheros, but it seems logical that 213-219 gear (majority of) would be the sweet spot. 10 man TOTC is probably the next progression after ulduar 10. 1-2 lvl 200 items prob will not hurt. (trinkets etc)

And I'd have ppl watching videos, bringing flasks and mana pots etc or I'd not let them come. There is no break for drinks during the 3 bosses of the 1st encounter. (MP5 flasks for healers)

I signed up as a sub really and it will depend on my latency as to whether I come.
Good news is my ISP has officially posted that they have stopped hooking up new ppl until the new contract for more bandwith/better service with their backbone provider is in place. (app 30 more days I think)
Thanks for your support Danny!

I've linked a strat from an excellent site: The site has excellent fight descriptions/strats and even pretty pictures for those with low intellect (ie. my 36INT Tank...). Here's the write-up on the Northrend Beasties:

Please check out the site and full write-up. Here are some of the more pertinent strats & gotchas related to Acidmaw & Dreadmaw, our "beloved" Jormungar wormies:

Dreadscale will come in first, and should be picked up by one tank, who needs to immediately face the worm away from the raid, and begin kiting him around the edge of the floor as Slime Pools appear beneath him. Just a couple of seconds after Dreadscale appears, Acidmaw will burst out of the ground. There is a dust cloud animation on the ground while he is under it; everyone should be sure to stand clear, because he will one-shot-kill any DPS players or healers standing on top of him when he emerges. The second tank will need to Taunt Acidmaw, again being sure to face him away from the raid.

Assign a group of 4-5 ranged DPS to attack Dreadscale while the rest of the raid is concentrating on burning down Acidmaw (kill Acidmaw first because, if Dreadscale dies first, your raid will be getting hit with Paralytic Toxin with no way to remove it).

About 35-40 seconds into the fight, both jormungar will burrow into the ground, and move randomly around the Coliseum floor. Again, there will be dust cloud animations indicating their positions, and raid members need to make sure to avoid them. Once the two reemerge, they will have swapped roles; Dreadscale will stand stationary, and Acidmaw will be mobile.

So, the tanks need to swap roles as well. The mobile tank will need to pick Acidmaw up quickly, and begin kiting him along the outside of the floor, just as with Dreadscale before. The stationary tank will need to pick up Dreadscale, and face him away from the raid, just as he/she did before with Acidmaw. Acidmaw will begin dropping Slime Pools, melee DPS should move over to Dreadscale. All ranged DPS (including the 4-5 that were damaging Dreadscale before the burrowing) should continue to kill Acidmaw.

Throughout the fight:
- Make sure all ranged DPS and healers are staying spread out, so as to minimize damage from Burning Bile.
- Make sure everyone but the tank stays behind the stationary jormungar, so they don't get hit with Paralytic/Burning Spray.
- Make sure those with Burning Bile know to move toward anyone with Paralytic Toxin, to remove it. Make sure they also know to avoid others as much as possible, so they don't hurt more people than they need to.
- Make sure those who get Paralytic Toxin move toward a Burning Bile carrier while they can still move, and call it out if they can no longer move.

For a reasonably well geared raid (ie. in partial to full tier 8 or equivalent), Acidmaw will likely die before the two jormungar burrow again. If he doesn't, then the tanks will need to swap roles again, and the DPS will need to resume damage on the targets they had at the beginning of the encounter.

When Acidmaw does die, healers will need to watch the tank handling Dreadscale because of the increased damage he will be taking as Dreadscale enrages. If Acidmaw dies while Dreadscale is in his mobile phase (which is likely), watch out especially for Molten Spew, and don't let the tank die to it. The raid will take higher damage too. Also, melee will need to take care that they don't kill themselves by standing in a Slime Pool as they try to finish off Dreadscale.

If Acidmaw dies while Dreadscale is in his stationary phase, then healers will need to watch not only the tank, but all of the melee as well, and top them up quickly after each enrage-boosted Sweep.

As soon as Dreadscale dies, Icehowl will be let loose upon your raid.
I look forward to taking these two and Icehowl down on Monday. Put yer gamefaces on!
I might be able to bring Keymasher on some Monday runs. Those monday runs generally start too early for me while I am working, so as soon as I can get back to work it might not work out. Anyways, if you need a ranged dps sub, I can help you guys out. Keymasher's gear sits with a few ilevel 200 items, mostly trinkets and some hit gear that I sometimes need to use if some buffs are absent. Primarily however it is 213 -226 gear level.

Anyways, looks like you guys got your group mostly together anyways. Gl in there.

Soooo Close...

Thanks for all who came to last night's run.

We were so close to getting through phase II (D'oh!). We just needed to get the mechanics down on the Jormungars as they resurfaced. However, we did a great job burning down Acidmaw (nice DPS) and our uber healers (Renee and Nathan) did a wonderful job healing the raid and your noob tanks (especially Rhys). :eek: (Stay out of the fire Nathan... :p )

I'm planning on us downing this set of mini-bosses next week but need to work with Mike on planning. We're getting to the point where we have more geared 80's playing with regularity (as summer ends) and may soon be able to transition to two groups of 10 (stay tuned). Something to keep in mind for this upcoming weekend is that in the US it's a holiday on Mon. - Labor Day. Getting folks for Sun. night may be a bit difficult.
[7F]LarryBoy;352440 said:
Do you guy use 2 or 3 healers? I've healed 10 man ToC before, and a third healer REALLY helps a lot.

We had 2.5 (Danny was in DPS spec). But it was Renee and Nathan who are both uber. :D
I agree that 3 healers is easier, but the extra DPS was nice too.
I cast 0 heals that night (I believe our issue was mechanical, not the heals) And the fact that myself and Renee had 1k ms and lost connection a few times..
3 healers is the typical config and if the dps is there would add more safety.
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Moved to Fridays!! TotCrusader 10

Hey Everyone,

Now that school is back in full swing my raiding time at night will be a bit more limited. As such I'll be dropping from the RAWR Ulduar 25 runs as making it for their first night (Thurs) will be all but impossible. Also, Mike's Ulduar run is progressing nicely and I don't want this run to conflict (but I would love a few of those players! :D ). So, I am moving this run to Fridays effective this Friday the 11th, and the run is up on GEM if you'd like to sign up. I'll repeat the note from my earlier post:

Just a disclaimer on raid invites for this run: I plan to keep this 100% in guild. However, the bosses drop iLvl 232 loot (Ulduar 25 is iLvl 226). Being fully decked out in iLvl 213+ gear is really the minimum to survive and fully contribute (2,500DPS, 30K+ HP for a tank, etc.). Plug your toon into and look at your overall score. A score of 2,200 would be the starting point. As more of us learn the fight and get geared I'll be a bit more flexible on invites. I apologize for the strict policy, but until we can get the fights down it's still going to be a bit of a wipefest for even our most geared and frequent raiders. Keep running Heroics (get your T8.5 Helm and Chest) and H. TotChampion (5man) to pick up some really nice iLvl 219 gear. That should move you along quite nicely.

Also per my posts above there is a really nice fight strat that I pulled from for the Northrend Beasties. Please check it out and understand the fight coming in. I look forward to getting this run off the ground and your sign-ups. Please shoot me a PM or pst me in-game with any questions. :)
By the way, I cleared this instance last night on Shahmat. Which means (silly me) that I'm out for this week -- but also means I have a bunch of experience with the fights!