What would you do for a Kondike Bar?

Yeah, by evening thinking Treebranch you get a laugh from me.

That would be like saying I would do something like that....
That would be like saying I would do something like that....


(thinks for a moment)




*falls down on the floor, tears streaming down his face*

*begins to compose himself, manages to stand upright again*

*spasmodic shuddering subsides*

*deep, cleansing breath*

Yeah, I just use mirakles mods...

BUT, Krunchie is working on a mod called "carbon fu" that measures the carbon footprint of your wow character... It does a calculation based on your /played time times the wattage of your power supply, times the amount of carbon generated by the coal used to power your computer. It then divides that by the number of trees you need to plant to counteract all the carbon you generated playing wow...

What can I say? We're from California!