What's the most frustrating gaming experince for you all?


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
I'm cross posting this from a Facebook post I made. I thought it would be a good discussion to have here as well as share something that was an HUGE accomplishment on my part.

"You know what guys? It's so rare in my life that a video game frustrates me or gets me upset. I am an extremely calm gamer. I have never broken anything or thrown anything across the room in anger from failing. Then I download this game called Osu! and I have never had more anxiety and stress then ever before. No, I didn't break anything or throw anything across the room, but I swear, if you're going to blame video games for violence in society, don't blame the violent games. Blame games like Osu! that make people work so hard to simply get to the very end of a song only to have it fail you over and over just before you beat it. Man, right now my hands and arms are literally shaking so hard with anxiety and my heart is beating a million times a minute in my throat. I finally was able to do this. It had to take at least well over a full hour of non stop playing this song over and over until I could finally do it. I can't even tell you how many times I got to the very last section of the song that came down to just a few more beats to hit before I died. The life bar difficulty is just so freaking harsh in the game and it punishes you so badly if you make the slightest mistake. It is also is decaying constantly which forces you to have to be even more accurate with your rhythm. I think I lost about twenty years off my life just trying to beat this song.

I guess I will ask you all a question. How do you all handle losing in games? Are you normally a gracious and calm player in defeat? If the answer is yes, then has there ever been a game that has driven you mad or caused you to literally have panic attacks from playing? Has there been a certain stage or level that you JUST couldn't beat and had to spend hours of your time replaying the same thing over and over again? Share your stories of your frustrations with a certain game. I'd love to hear them!

As for the beatmap I was able to beat that literally caused me to have anxiety attacks, here is the video of me playing and beating this song. I worked so hard to do this!"

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Most frustrating would have to be Risk (the boardgame). So bad that I refuse to play it.

If you want video games only then pretty much any multiplayer FPS depending on my mood/headaches.

I think that is why Skyrim has such an appeal for me. It is FPS without the stress of multiplayer. I think that is why I only do PvE in mmorpgs and rarely group. Maybe my problem is other people...
A lot of the NES and arcade games where one hit equaled death and/or one death ended the whole game. After very painstaking and careful work, I got all the way to the final boss of Rygar, and then immediately died. I never tried again.

Also cross-posting from facebook:
"I'M LOOKING AT YOU CANDY CRUSH. Stupid game is designed so you fail and fail until you get favorable enough random pieces or until you pay them."
Mario Kart is the most rage-inducing series I've ever played by a wide margin.

I don't usually mind losing to difficult games (even those karkin' impossible NES/arcade games and Dark Souls) or superior gamers. I used to play fighting games all the time, and I would get frustrated when I lost to nonsense shenanigans only achievable through lag. As a rule, though, I actually applaud superior players when they beat me. Goes for fighting games, Starcraft, or anything else with a multiplayer component.

I do get frustrated with poor sportsmanship/bm, but that has nothing to do with the games themselves and everything to do with rude people acting rude.
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The Ending to ME3.
I have never played a game before or since that mad me so mad/frustrated/angry. That they could do something so incredibly stupid with the ending still makes me angry just thinking about it. That's the cost of actually investing yourself in a game I suppose.

Otherwise, I play games to have fun and if I'm not finding it enjoyable I stop playing.
Mario Kart is the most rage-inducing series I've ever played by a wide margin.
Reminds me of a xkcd comic I can't link because of the title. But I'm pretty sure you're already familiar with it.

I've often said that violent video games don't cause violence. Games like Mario Kart cause violence. At least, violence involving video game controllers and the objects with which they collide.
I mainly rage on lag/bugs/or bad hit detection. When I try my absolute hardest yet still get punished by things that should have worked. I seldom, but not always, avoid rage in single player but in online play people will just think you are bad and not "really" believe you when you site things beyond your control. Seriously my setup is sometimes special ED beyond the normal lag and bugs other people get. I know it's different because it didn't use to do it. I mess up, miss and fail tons on my own, there is much I can improve on I know, but when I do things perfect and get punished it's worse than when I just fail. Like on one of my highlander matches I had a backstab opportunity on a heavy and had to take it because my team was getting rolled and needed immediate aid. Yet I knew, KNEW, before I did so that it probably would not count because the heavy was on a ramp. So I stab perfectly behind the heavy, it flakes on me exactly as I predicted, and the heavy turns and kills me T_T (this particular bug everyone gets because it's hit detection).

I guess that leads into my other rage circumstance. If I repeatedly make the same mistake knowing before hand what to avoid yet cannot keep myself from doing it over, and over, and over (/story of my life XD).

On the plus side I never rage if I lose to a game that is legitimate no matter how hard it is, nor to a skilled player, nor even to an exploit because those things are not my fault and everyone will know it.

EDIT: This reminds me I never raged back in the old console days (pre-PS2) even when a game did bug out. Future gaming you art a harsh mistress.
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New addition to this thread: The Hidden Last Cave in Cave Story.

/me flips tables

I cleared the area and finally beat Cave Story for the Normal Ending, but I'm not yet willing to even attempt the extra stage and boss you have to clear (without ANY save point) to get the Good Ending.
Most recently I would say Dark Souls from a couple years ago. Beating that game was very satisfying but if I would have been playing in my basement at the time (where I have concrete walls) my controller would have been severely punished.