You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

You know you've played GW too much when you begin classifying your family and friends by profession, just to pass the time...
You know you've played GW too much when you begin classifying your family and friends by profession, just to pass the time...

Sister=mesmer (equipped with Migrane and Cry of Frustration ;) )
Me=Ranger or Elementalist
Mom=She's into holistic medicine, so I guess she's a Ritualist :p
Oh, I think I'm a mesmer, definitely. I love messing with peoples minds. Let's start a thread! I'll figure out my secondary...
You know you play GW too much when you start a thread about what prophesion you are ;).

ur lucky C$, i got a little brother and little sister who are Me/N who spam interrupts, hexs, and energy degens. They also like to spawn terrible minions from next door.
You know you play GW too much when you start a thread about what prophesion you are ;)

At first I wasn't sure that "prophesion" was even a WORD. Then I realized that you were attempting to say "profession"! Silly me!

ur lucky C$, i got a little brother and little sister who are Me/N who spam interrupts, hexs, and energy degens. They also like to spawn terrible minions from next door.
THAT is one of the funniest things I've read in a while! I think most small children are Me/N now that you mention it...
THAT is one of the funniest things I've read in a while! I think most small children are Me/N now that you mention it...

accualy they are N/Me, cause their super fast motabolism (sp) keeps them skinny and because with every death they get more and more and more energy. THEY DONT STOP!
I haven't played guild wars in what feels like forever....:(
this pregnancy stuff is making me very very sleepy by the time i get home at night....oh well maybe soon we can get on play again......
You know you and your husband both play too much when he digs up your old screenshot file, and surprises you by installing your very first screenshot of your very first character as your desktop...

...and you keep it there, and smile every time you see it.

And how do you know your friend plays too much?

He's testing a new build in Zaishen, and the group has been TRYING to kill the Rangers. In a moment of frustration, he says, "It's too bad Victory is Mine! doesn't work that way in real life."

...and he means in Heroes Ascent...

Sorry, but that one was too good NOT to resurrect this thread!
I had to post this before I forgot. This was one of those days at church..........where Guild Wars kept popping up. Never had this happen before that I can recall, especially with such regularity.

We were talking about Hebrews chapter 11 this morning in Sunday School and before I realized it I had told my class that THIS was my Hall of Heroes.

Then while the preacher was praying he actually said "Bless the Afflicted".

Then we sang a song, and part of it was "you are my strength, my shield".

I don't know why all that jumped out at me like it did today.