YU-GI-Oh! - evil or not??

  • pure evil

    Votes: 25 100.0%
  • not really evil

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • neutral

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • its ok

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • greatest card game ever existed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ahh, that's an interesting philosophy...but an idea can't become manifest except in imagination.
Or can it? Many philosophers and writers ask that question: can an idea take on substance? There are actually many who think God to be nothing more than an idea.
Interesting. Thank you Eon. Do you know of any Asatru meetings that I can find in Texas? And when do summonings or spiritual communion or whatever they're called occur? Certain times? Certain places? Or just whenever, like per blot?
hehehehe if i was old like u guys id ask the same question but my parents would never allow me to go anywhere but church. no offense bout u bein old
ATown, cheers for that! Now I feel ancient... Regarding the Judo thing - Judo is the eastern martial art that studies using an opponents own strength against him. You know how speed+mass equals momentum? Well you can divert that momentum instead of trying to block or absorb it - in essence using the moves own power to defeat it, rather than your own.

Same with spirits - the more form, the more power, the more momentum - if you can catch the right one, going the right way, you can utilise that force.

Ultima, there's at least one blot every month. This month is the festival of Labour, or the Charming of the Plough. Or for my Vinnish kin, that would be the Blessing of the Plow.
I see from my dread machine here that the White Sage Kindred of Dallas are holding Asatru 101 classes - where you could go and find out how little I actually know about these things from experts... ;)

You could do an internet search on them - they have a mechanism for you to drop a line to them requesting info on meetings and blota that are upcoming. A word to the wise though, different groups have different tolerances regarding unafilliated members - particularly the curious of another faith. They may welcome the chance to set your curiosity at ease (and increase intra-faith tolerance) or they may ask you rather firmly to exercise your curiosity elsewhere.

I don't know them - so I can't vouch. On the other hand you should also be aware that I plucked these guys from the ether - not from Eon's book of "good' ASatruaar. So exercise caution.

Lol. I didn't quite understand, 'cause we've been on this rather magical bent for a while, and most cases I hear, ether is like this realm. Lol.
hmm ok makes sense on the judo thingy. and yeah for a moment there i thought u were canadian with the word ether. oh well. and out of curoisity what are the people in washignton state called??? or Seattle or Bainbridge Island for that matter. if its the Sage of the Liberals then i wouldt be suprised :P
There had better be no smack talk, that's all I'm saying! I'm down with the whole RPG experience and I reccomend it to all.
Satan enters through the pen-and-paper world!

Okay, not. D&D owns. Plain and simple. Though I've yet to actually siddown and PLAY a D&D on account of the aforementioned beliefs in the opening statement as held by parental units Mom and Dad, I do enjoy a rousing AD&D game, and am anticipating smacking a D&D: Forgotten Realms: Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II into my PS2 and when D&D: Forgotten Realms: Lands of Tomorrow or something like that, maybe Arkannan Lands or something like that, is released, I will definitely play it. The worlds look beautiful, and they take you through familiar and magical spots of Toril. And Drizzt will cameo in it, like he did in BG and BGII (alas, I never got far enough in Shadows of Amn to see my lovely drow ranger pop in for an appearance...my game erased itself, and I didn't have the heart to make my godlike team again).
quite honestly on the front D&D isnt bad. i mean heck all FF games and DSLOA and all the others have crypts and evil sorceror type evil dudes. now ive never played it i can only go on what ive seen on the web and other things, but if it takes u out of reality and keeps u there (some odd guys i know from youth group) then i think it can be a way for satan and/or his minions to control u. now i said from youth group... there tends to be some people who prefer to just sit outside when the msg is going on so they dont really pay attention to religeon and just go there to make their parents happy.
i think it's evil only because it's a card game. That and it's a capitalist's way of screwing parents out of money so that their kids can collect some cards, which they will never use, and will get bored of in a year or so.

Everyone remember pokemon? Everyone rememeber the cards? Anyone remember seeing anyone who actually played the game? You're marketing a game that is heavily math based, to a bunch of children, how many of them do you think will have the patience to sit there and think about things like that?
actually, I seen quite a few children play pokemon.

and even mroe play yu-gi-oh. Go by any books-a-million on a sat. afternoon and u see them. all over the place. and if you are reading a book in certain sections (comics, graphic novels, sci-fi, games) then you're apparently fair game to be asked 'Do you play yu-gi-oh?'
wow, never wouldve though. I've seen plenty of kids with a TON of cards, and they didnt even know the concept behind the game.

At least theyre doing something with the cards, thats useful.
lol there are still plenty of kids still playing pokemon man. though recently my parents decided that i shouldt play yugioh anymore and they want me to sell/rid of the cards as soon as i see fit. so im trying to sell em to my best friend but he wont buy em so im kinda stuck since i know i can make a profit off em but i just have to find the right person.
Just of the wall here, but, if your parents would like you to get rid of them (and I won't argue with them, I plead the 5th), and you would like to honour them, why not put them in a plastic bag and take them out to the curb on garbage day in the morning before you go to school and leave them there. Then when you get back, they are gone. No need for profit.

Anyway...I did this with a personal vise, now 12 years ago. It worked quite well. I could've made a profit from selling it all. Or better yet, selling some of it today would've let me retire now. But that is not what God calls us to do when we choose to obey him or his commandments.
well 1 of the main reasons i started yugioh was i knew when i quit i could at least make a profit even its a minor one. and plus i dont go to school.
"A personal vice"? Personal vices nowadays (especially personal vices from days of the 60s and 80s) would definitely generate some moolah nowadays.

Dang dude. I disagree. I say if there's money to be made, make as much as you can. If someone wants it out of the home they shelter you with, do it, but generate some greenbacks with it. God doesn't give conditionals on obedience save one: do it. How you do it is up to you. Which is why I say, if you can make some cash, make some cash. Profit off whatever you can. God doesn't call you to be a penniless person, or a rich person; you make that call, and since money turns this world, make as much as you can.
I think it all depends on your own personal convictions. If you are truly convicted that Yu-gi-oh cards are bad, and something that is a stumbling block between you and your relationship with God, then selling them would be wrong. Why would you want to put it in another person's life if you think it has become a burden to your own in your walk with Christ. All you would be doing is becoming a stumbling block for them as well, dumping upon them the temptation you narrowly avoided. That's even more wrong than indulging the temptation yourself.

On the other hand, if you personally don't see anything wrong with them, and your parents don't mind you doing it, then sell them. As long as you aren't violating your own convictions, or your parent's wishes, then you are in the clear.

This is just my opinion.
i dont think their evil, my parents do. the thing is they kinda dont mind since i play it with one of my friends but other than that they wont let me enter turnys or anything so its kinda pointless weither its evil or not