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  1. faust

    Hello everyone

    Howdy everyone. Long time no hear! How have you all been doing? Amy and I are doing well out here in North Carolina, and God's blessed us with a great Church family. We've been keeping active with Children's ministry and I've also been active with our church's outreach program. We are...
  2. faust

    Expelled the movie

    While many of you may already know about this movie, I figured that some may not. It's a movie talking about Intelligent Design (creationism), and the thesis of the film is that those who purport this theory are being persecuted by the Darwinian establishment in universities around the world...
  3. faust

    Chronicles of the Gold Farmer!

    Just stumbled on these on you tube the other day. The second I find far more funny than the first, but both are really great! I seriously loled. :D Part 1 Part 2
  4. faust

    Unusual Holy Priest spec?

    I am considering not speccing into divine spirit with my priest. Since it seems that the majority of our current priests already have this talent, and if I am ever grouped with them the talents are wasted. Instead I am thinking of taking circle of healing, which I believe could be a solid...
  5. faust

    Pre-Kara Holy Priest Gear Goals

    I am trying to figure out what gear I want to try to get for my priest so that I can be ready to contribute to Kara runs with him. He is currently a herb/alchemist, and after some thought I am disinclined to power level him to be a tailor/alchemist (since I already have a tailor). I restricted...
  6. faust

    Holy Priest + Alchemist: Aldor or Scyer

    I haven't picked a faction with Salveation yet. While I prefer the healing shoulder enchant that Aldor offers, I like the alchemy recipe that's only offered on the Scyer side: Exilir of Major Firepower (though I know I could always get a Scyer Alchemist to make it for me). I am not concerned...
  7. faust


    I suspect I have posted this link in the past, but is worth visiting again. I know when I go back to check it out now and then it gives me a laugh: Despair Oh and this one is one of my favorites: Incompetence
  8. faust

    WotLK and Warhammer

    Perhaps I am the last person to come up with this theory, but it occurred to me that perhaps the real reason Blizzard is coming out with the next xpac so soon is to try and take some of the attention Warhammer Online will get when it is first released. Anyway, just a thought. I certainly...
  9. faust

    Heroic Instance Runs

    A number of people have been helping to run heroics as of late, it seems that we have enough people interested in running them now to try and field a run every week night. I am currently running KZ on Mon/Fri, but I look forward to trying to get a heroic run on Tue/Wed/Thurs. I also know...
  10. faust

    Going on Vacation next week

    Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be on holiday next week (we are going to the beach for a week). I will be gone from this Saturday until next Sat/Sunday.
  11. faust

    Heroic Monday/Wednesday

    This next week we are going to try and switch the nights we run heroics to Monday and Wednesday. I know some of you have told me that those nights fit better into your schedules. This Monday we are looking to run either Heroic:SP again or Heroic: Mech. Starting time is 8:30 pm server time...
  12. faust

    Arena 2v2team

    I have a 3v3 arena team playing with Drew (Crackotage/Flashfight) and Vicky (Chartrusean sp? /Helvetica). I would like to start building up arena rep points faster, so I am wondering if there is someone else willing to create a 2v2 arena team? I will admit, my warlock is pretty much pve...
  13. faust

    Heroic Tuesday/Thursday

    We plan to run a heroic every Tuesday and Thursday. Please be logged on by 8:30pm (server time), and the run will begin at 8:45 at the latest. This Tuesday and Thursday we plan to run Slave Pens, in order to grow our familiarity with the heroic instance. For this Tuesday and Thursday we...
  14. faust

    Any advice to upgrade my gear?

    On the armory you can see my current gear here. I am trying to gear up for Heroics/Kara quickly, and would like any advice I can get. I am an affliction lock, and plan to stay specced more or less this way (though I may shuffle around some talents to give me more points in suppression). I am...
  15. faust

    Warlock Gems

    I am working towards my shadow's embrace set. The set has a total of 3 yellow and 3 blue sockets on them. The combined bonus to socket the set with the correct colors is +9 spell hit (which is a good stat for a warlock). But getting that bonus requires that I not get straight +dmg gems...
  16. faust

    Feral Druid: AP vs Crit

    I have around 2.1k AP and slightly over 30% crit rate self buffed (motw) in cat form. I also have just under 8k health in cat form (is that too low?). I am going to start put on some enchants on my gear, because some of the items I will likely keep a while. Should I emphasize more AP or...
  17. faust

    How many tanks do we have now?

    I got into a conversation last night about the number of tanks we now have, and how quickly that turned around for our guild. As I recall it wasn't all that long ago we were down to one or two tanks in the guild. Now it seems like we have a lot... not just warrior tanks, but druid tanks, and...
  18. faust

    Patch day (2.1)

    It's a large patch: 275+ MB, so you may want to kick off the download a while before you decide to play.
  19. faust

    Feral Druid Gear

    First off let me just share this great list someone on the Druid forums pointed out to me: Feral Druid Gear I dinged level 70 today, and I have been thinking for a while now what role I will play end game. Leveling up I was hoping to tank, but as I approach level 70 I see a lengthy list of...
  20. faust

    Lots of changes from Blizzard as of late...

    I looked over the changes in the upcomming 2.1 patch. Like most people I like some of what I see, and other changes not so much. One thing that struck me though is the sheer number of changes. Anyone else feel that since 2.0 they have been radically changing this game, and that the rate of...