dB vs A team

I was watching it through the all seeing eye. I could only see the individual scores, not the team scores or the game.
So I just kept hitting refresh to see the individual scores. . . I'm such a noob.
really? We are going cal o next season and could scrim you guys often (it'd help us both im sure). Season starts aug. 10th btw.
its pretty much official.  It isn't going to start until after cpl.  I'm not sure when sign ups are.  

I'm in CAI |

(i'm CAI | TranscendenT)

#cai on gamesnet if you want to idle
sorry i wasnt there to back up my smack talk, my mom said no comp that day.. and by 18-6, who's favor was that in? ToJ or dB?
Good luck in cal-o ... but I think it'll be a lot harder than you're planning on; "get thru that quick". If you guys wanna scrim some of the old fls guys, I'm sure we could set something up sometime, it's tough to say when they're on though
yea, getting through cal o is either really hard or really easy.  Cal o has guys that aren't good at all, and they also have many many teams formed by ex cal M/i players who are just flat out awesome (there are usually some of the latter in every division).

EDIT: btw, Goose, how have you been man? I never see you on =\. Hope everything is going great with your family and work and all. =)
Man I really need to start checking my work but I was in a very good mood and it was late so give me a break.

Thanks Goose I hope we do well in CAL also. Its going to be a long hard road but I think we can manage.

As far as scrimming with fls well I heard they were dead from lack of funds and lack of intrest (this is what Boomerang told me and hes on there comp team). So I dont think will be scrimming them anytime soon. Maybe will scrim A-Team sometime in the near future on a different map
I said "old" fls guys ... people like Spoon, Spork, Frost, Apoc, Rcm, Goose.  Those are some people that have played as a team many times.  Playing the ToJ A-team wasn't that much of a challenge, because you guys have obviously played together many times and the A-team hasn't played or scrimmed together in ages!  Hit me up sometime if you wanna scrim
It's been a good year and a half since I've competed whatsoever. Our map strats were formed just a half hour before the match began. Maybe we can get a real match together some time instead of tossing me in to the mix the day of the match.
Yes Crazy...dB won. Page 7 says it.

We actually didn't hold any practices or anything...rofl...so I guess we went into it really "unprepared". 2 of the guys didn't know they playing until that afternoon, unfortunately.

Well Zid and Pony are old friends of mine and I finally got them to join dB last week. This is the first time they have every scrimmed with us. Boomer, Me, And Knives scrim together a fair amount but haven't in about a week due to ppl being on vacation.

Nonetheless gg. We need to start playing better thought...we got sloppy a few times and it cost us the shut out.