Ok getting the Thanksgiving menu together, gots ta have
Cranberry Sauce

Ya have a favorite recipe or will canned do?
I had a great cranberry side this week - cloves and whole cranberries...loved it.

BUT...Oh, how I do like cranberry sauce shaped like a can.
Gotta have mashed 'taters for Thanksgiving. What is yer favorite smashed 'tater recipe?
Ok if ya is gonna veggie stuffs what ya gonna do about gravy fer smashed taters?
My wife makes a fantastic veggie base gravy. And I'm gonna eats 3 gallons of it tomarrow
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First day of Advent, the start of the Christmas season. Name your favorite:
Christmas cookie
Don't have a favorite Christmas cookie. That's not because I am sugar free and gluten free. I never had a favorite Christmas cookie. If I HAD to pick one - a gingerbread man cookie.
Aside from Pfeffernusse, I really haven't found a Christmas cookie I didn't like.

Here's one, my mom wants to try to make some gluten free cookies so my wife won't be left out this year.
We never really had a Christmas cookie tradition in my family. Our food is basically the same as at Thanksgiving except usually somebody makes fudge and peanut brittle. When I was little though, my cousin's family (the part I'm not related to) would make cut-out sugar cookies and we'd paint them with paintbrushes and all different colors of thin icing. It was really fun. So that's what I'd pick, but it has nothing to do with the taste.
We set up a goodie table every year as part of my family tradition. Eat a good supper of Swedish Meatballs and rice, then open season on the goodie table through Christmas day. Just keep replenishing certain items. Now that it's just her and I we still do it, just an abbreviated list of goodies. What I am wondering is for this year should I get a coconut or a pineapple. Both are a pain to deal with, but each is part of the tradition. So what would you choose?

A. Coconut
B. Pineapple
C. Both