Tradition can hurt sometimes...

I was recently reading on the Passover, which starts at 6pm next Wednesday. I was genuinely unfamiliar with the feast, and I got curious, especially with Jesus refering to it so much.

Of course we know that Jesus was crucified for our complete passover offering to God to get rid of all our sins (which I'm hoping we're going to do a study on soon). Which this fulfills the law of the passover lamb as well.

Yet, tradition teaches that Jesus was crucified on a Friday (Roman calender), Thursday (Hebrew calender). Well I've recently discovered that this is completely wrong, according to the Hebrew Law.

The passover lamb, would be slaughtered on the specific day (at about 3pm in the afternoon). When that day arrived, it was on a WEDNESDAY! Now this makes complete sense. It has become knowlage that the Sabath, originally was on Saturday (Hebrew calender). It did not change until the world adopted the Roman calender. The Bible discribes Jesus being in the tomb for 3 days. Well using Roman calender, if he died on Friday, he wouldn't have had 3 days. Yet on the Hebrew calender, for example this year, passover is on a Wednesday! So this means that three days later (which is celebrated as the Sabath for the Jewish people) Jesus rose (once again this year, that day is Saturday).

So tradition has messed up again. I think this is a good lesson to prove that Christianity can never become a religion, it is a relationship.

Jesus is the WAY, TRUTH, and the LIFE... COME GET SOME!!!

A Challenge!

Hey gang,

I'm feeling insane and fired-up!

I think it's time for the GFC to put it's faith where it's mouth is.

Over the next couple of days, I'm going to be talking to Pie about a challenge I have for everyone (like nothing we've seen before).

Right now, on this post, I just want to invite everyone to start praying for BOLDNESS and STRENGTH in CHRIST! Pray that the Master will begin to open your mouth for His glory (even bigger if your's is already open). And pray that He will give you EXTREME COURAGE to jump off a cliff that will hurt when we hit the bottom, BUT will foster in more souls to the Kingdom.


Where oh where is Pastorwirl's challenge,
Where oh where could it be?
With his head full of knowledge,
and his heart full of God's word,
One could only imagine, what his challenge may be.....

Any idea when that challenge will be posted Pastor????
It's coming...

I unfortunately could not work on it on Sunday, however, I've gotten the green light from Pie.

So keep praying for what I told you before, YOUR ALL GOING TO NEED IT!!!


I will work on the complete porposal tonight, pending no 'life' interuptions. Pie's challenged me to make a complete and thurough proposal, and that takes some time. BUT as I stated before, I know-for-a-fact that the Kingdom of Heaven will increase in population once it's all said and done.
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This goes out to all the brothers in da house...

Hey guys,

I've been reading a great book at work, and I've felt like I should share it with you.

Pick it up, I think you'll get as much out of it as I am.
If human beings had such a huge cost that had to be paid so that we could have things set right with God, how much do angels cost?

Nothing, they were free with purchase of this universe.

PastorWirl said:
If human beings had such a huge cost that had to be paid so that we could have things set right with God, how much do angels cost?

Nothing, they were free with purchase of this universe.


You goof! But I love ya anyway.
As you walk with God, your going to discover that things are not always as they seem. What I mean is, what you think is going on right or smooth may actually be a disception. However, all GOOD things come from God...
James 1:17 Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights. (NLT)
So ask God, "Is this from you Father?" Lok at the root and the fruit. If they are not corrupt then that is a good test. And of course the best test is the Word of the Father. He will not leave you hanging in counsel so that your in the dark.
Have you ever wanted an easy way to explain the resurrection?
Well here's one for ya...
1 Cor. 15:35 But someone may ask, "How will the dead be raised? What kind of bodies will they have?" 36 What a foolish question! When you put a seed into the ground, it doesn't grow into a plant unless it dies first. 37 And what you put in the ground is not the plant that will grow, but only a dry little seed of wheat or whatever it is you are planting. 38 Then God gives it a new body--just the kind he wants it to have. A different kind of plant grows from each kind of seed. 39 And just as there are different kinds of seeds and plants, so also there are different kinds of flesh--whether of humans, animals, birds, or fish.

There ya go. :D
Hey gang,

I might have a book that everyone will need once we're up and running especially with the witnessing aspect.
Once I've finished it, I'll get you all the info, and if you can't get it, I will get it.:eek:

Here's that book...


If you are seriously interested in getting on with the challenge, I have found a resource that you will need...


ISBN: 0736915788

I've read this and it is awesome. The other night when Shyfroggy and I were involved in witnessing on the server, the questions that were asked are addressed in this book. Of course the Holy Spirit gave the the answers for that evening, I thought it would be good for everyone to have a good weapon at their side, along with the word.

So if anyone can't get this book, e-mail/IM/PM me, and I will get you a copy.

Let me know if anyone has any questions...

ALSO!!! I'm going to go through the log from the other night and let you all see the process that the Holy Spirit not only took the individual through but me too. :D

To reply to your question

To reply to your Question about th KJV it does state in 2nd timothy 3:16-17

Al scripture is given by insperation of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: THat the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Now personaly I belive that The Lord who is powerfull to breath the first breth of life into all man, part the Red Sea, and Even go to hell for three days and to rise taking the keys of deth hell and the grave is definatly powerfull enoughf to have a book of his word out there for his children today, And that is because we surve a very much living God who is still as powerfull and compleat today as he was the very instint that all the univers was created
God has been showing me things that pertain to relationships in our lives.

Of course we need to use our relationships to expand the Kingdom of the Great One.

Yet we need to foster and develop our relationships with other believers. This is important because relationships with believers helps us grow, as well as helping them as well.


I have a quote for you that just jumped out of the page at me, and let me share...

"Spiritual independence is an oxymoron. The key word here is moron." by Kenny Luck, from Risk

1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
