Question for the Resident Athiests


New Member
So I've been curious about something for quite some time.

I understand why Christians proselytize. Given what we belive, we are first of all commanded to, and then just out of concern for people given the alternative for being a "believer."

What motivates Atheists to challenge Christians though, just out of curiosity? I think I almost get it. With my past I have a slight aversion to people who claim to be Christians but don't act like it, and for various career reasons, I have less tolerance than I should with people who are incapable of logic. But for me these reasons make me not want to talk to those types of people... not engage them and try to change them into something I find more acceptable.

Not that I mind, at all. I actually get quite a lot from those questioning threads by DV... more than I ever did at my childhood church, where I tended to be the only voice asking "why?" I like being challenged to think much better than being asked to shut up. :)
I got one question as well.
How does the logic of an atheists reasoning stand up before the word of God ?
Jeshurun said:
I got one question as well.
How does the logic of an atheists reasoning stand up before the word of God ?

according to them, they don't need it to. but they have to answer to God one day...
That's a different topic though. Actually it's the one constantly at the root of just about every conversation they're on though.

Jeshurun said:
I got one question as well.
How does the logic of an atheists reasoning stand up before the word of God ?
Yes, I noticed that.

I mentioned the topic to a friend of mine, and it was suggested that it would be very hard for most people to answer that question with an answer that was not offensive.

Too bad, really. I've been wondering for some time. Especially since one of the complaints non-beleivers have is that we want to convert people, and try to enforce our own moral code on society.

Jeshurun said:
It would seem none are available for this one techwhosaysnee. :)
Jeshurun said:
LOL Hmmm be thankful. LOL :)

I enjoy them. They make me think. And while it's easy to make statements of truth to people who already beleive the way I do, that doesn't quite prepare me for providing a witness to people who thrive on logic.

That would be like why I asked my youth pastor once why we should have such faith in the inspired nature of scripture, and he gave me a very long answer that amoutned to "Because the scriptures say to!" While he was right in what he said, it was the wrong answer for an intellectual sort of person who was doubting his faith at the moment.
techwhosaysnee said:
I enjoy them. They make me think. And while it's easy to make statements of truth to people who already beleive the way I do, that doesn't quite prepare me for providing a witness to people who thrive on logic.

That would be like why I asked my youth pastor once why we should have such faith in the inspired nature of scripture, and he gave me a very long answer that amoutned to "Because the scriptures say to!" While he was right in what he said, it was the wrong answer for an intellectual sort of person who was doubting his faith at the moment.

:D Oh please. LOL Just because of what I wrote "be thankful" you think you know me techwhosaysnee you assume to much. Lol:)
Where are the atheists are the forum anyway? I haven't seen a reply a days.

If you haven't noticed on the previous pages of this forum, some people have been banned. It is most likely, any "word-expressing" atheists here, are banned from the forum. After all, this is a Christian forum and roughly most, but not all of the people here are Christians.
when people are banned it is based on their unwillingness to follow simple rules that they already agreed to, it is not because they might be an atheist.
We have actually banned a couple of christians as well due to their inability to follow the rules.

I do know that even though people are Christians, it doesn't mean they don't know how to swear. :(

Unfortunately, immaturity is also another... :mad:

However, I've mostly seen those while I'm gaming.

If you have a problem with how the rules are enforced take it to that forum's mods. Posts accusing us of being religiously biased in terms of discipline speak of a lack of knowledge either willingly or unwillingly.

The only thing I am accusing is, this is a Christian forum! Even though anyone can come here and chat, some of the athiests don't respect places like here, hence their banning.

What motivates Atheists to challenge Christians though, just out of curiosity?

For me, facts and truths.

"Are you really a Christian?"
"What makes you a true Christian?"
"What makes you believe the basis of Christianity is true?"

Do atheists try to convince Christians to become atheists?

Not everyone are born/raised as a christians. Even so, they just basically try to bug you to your anger point of hate and other evil aspects towards the dark side.
techwhosaysnee said:
That would be like why I asked my youth pastor once why we should have such faith in the inspired nature of scripture, and he gave me a very long answer that amoutned to "Because the scriptures say to!" While he was right in what he said, it was the wrong answer for an intellectual sort of person who was doubting his faith at the moment.

/climb onto stump
That's a very typical story, unfortunately. As wonderful as many of our youth leaders are, they really don't know how to handle the special needs of intellectual, 'gamer' types. Youthgroup activities, Bible studies and discussions are also very much not geared towards them, or done in a way that accomodates them. Its no wonder so many fall through the cracks.
/jump down
/nervously scuttle away

dorkelf said:
/climb onto stump
That's a very typical story, unfortunately. As wonderful as many of our youth leaders are, they really don't know how to handle the special needs of intellectual, 'gamer' types. Youthgroup activities, Bible studies and discussions are also very much not geared towards them, or done in a way that accomodates them. Its no wonder so many fall through the cracks.
/jump down
/nervously scuttle away


I've thought about being a youth minister. I still do, and I think my wife would hapily assist me in that as she has a passion for helping youth - especially teens. Perhaps when we're both a bit more stable in life we will have to persue that.

Actually, I'm quite sure I'm passionate about that and will need to pray about youth leadership possibilites. This second paragraph has been restarted three times because it kept turning into a rant about how much young people need our support, without so much fear of judgement. It's hard to understand that all these accomplished old people (30 being old) have had the same struggles you're having with life.