show your support for keeping obama out

Open political discussion is just fine, but respect on all sides is absolutely necessary, and I haven't seen anyone but you get all up in arms about it. I don't mean any offense by that, but if you can't handle others' reactions to your own thread, you shouldn't start it. There are people on this forum that feel like Obama would be the better candidate. I'm not one of them, but I don't think John McCain would honestly be any better.
so who are you thinking about voting for?
In all fairness, should there not also be a thread to show support for McCain as well?

(obligatory disclaimer: I am not in favor of either candidate, but rather to help members show support in the appropriate areas in a productive way, it may help (AKA avoid flame wars))


i looked for a anti mcain steam far as i can tell there isn't one. or a anti hillary group.
The last two elections were ones that I felt like I was voting FOR someone. And this is one where I think I see a lot more of people voting AGAINST vs voting FOR a candidate. IE...anti-Obama or anti-Bush people. And the anti-Bush people seem to generalize that McCain = Bush. Which I disagree with. Reagan didn't = Bush. Carter didn't = Clinton and so on.
As a foreigner, I would just like to say that the perception is that you guys always vote in the best-looking candidate....
right now it should be on your mind. Use the power of your vote to have your voice heard.

I mean, it's on my mind, really, it is. I just don' guess. I've voted in one presidential election (I've only been able to vote in 1) and I didn't really care then. I voted against Kerry and not really FOR Bush. I just don't want to vote against anyone anymore. I haven't really come across anyone I agree a whole lot with. I like a lot of what Ron Paul has to say, I just don't know that he's being realistic, since there is still congress to get around.
0.o obama isn't good looking.:p

majority of people think hes very handsome actually. I did some polling for a project and almost all the girls commented that he was the most handsome and they would vote for him just because he was black.

McCain is 71

August 29, 1936 (1936-08-29) (age 71)
-Quote from wikipedia

which apparently is really big issue compared to ronald reagan who was president at age 70
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My thoughts on voting are that you should try and avoid firmly deciding on who you are going to vote for until quite late in the campaign and you should try and consider who to vote for on a wide criteria. Here is my reasoning.

1. When you decide strongly and emotionally on one candidate (or against one candidate) to early your mind creates a schema which massively restricts the amount of information that you obtain from both candidates and you filter every thing you hear thus reducing the quality of the information that you hear.
2. If the other guy gets in and you have made such highly disparaging comments about him how will you ever respect him as the leader of your country
3. By not making up your mind to early you place much more pressure on the candidates to come up with good policy. The people who hold out the longest in deciding on a candidate generally have the most power to shape policy. ATM moment both candidates generally know where most christians are going to stand before much policy get out therefore they don't have to work for your vote.
My thoughts on voting are that you should try and avoid firmly deciding on who you are going to vote for until quite late in the campaign and you should try and consider who to vote for on a wide criteria. Here is my reasoning.

1. When you decide strongly and emotionally on one candidate (or against one candidate) to early your mind creates a schema which massively restricts the amount of information that you obtain from both candidates and you filter every thing you hear thus reducing the quality of the information that you hear.
2. If the other guy gets in and you have made such highly disparaging comments about him how will you ever respect him as the leader of your country
3. By not making up your mind to early you place much more pressure on the candidates to come up with good policy. The people who hold out the longest in deciding on a candidate generally have the most power to shape policy. ATM moment both candidates generally know where most christians are going to stand before much policy get out therefore they don't have to work for your vote.

As logical as that sounds, most of us Americans don't like using our brains when voting. We like what the TV tells us. Or our parents. Or our college professors. That's the problem as I see it. :D
majority of people think hes very handsome actually. I did some polling for a project and almost all the girls commented that he was the most handsome and they would vote for him just because he was black.

That's why college students shouldn't be allowed to vote >.> :p j/k but if that's the standard that generation of Americans is setting... we've got a rocky future ahead.
Don't even get me started on voting ages. I honestly think that a majority of 18 year olds have NO idea about anything when it comes to politics. They get all their information from VERY biased sources and really don't have any experience in the real world. Now, there are a lot of 18 year olds that stand out from their age group and have a good grip on what's important (it's not the Real World or America's Best Dance Crew or whatever garbage they're playing on the CW these days). That's just my two cents. I know how I was at that age, and my friends, and my family members. Forgive me if it's judgmental, but I don't think the future of the country should be left in the hands of kids. :p
Don't even get me started on voting ages. I honestly think that a majority of 18 year olds have NO idea about anything when it comes to politics. They get all their information from VERY biased sources and really don't have any experience in the real world. Now, there are a lot of 18 year olds that stand out from their age group and have a good grip on what's important (it's not the Real World or America's Best Dance Crew or whatever garbage they're playing on the CW these days). That's just my two cents. I know how I was at that age, and my friends, and my family members. Forgive me if it's judgmental, but I don't think the future of the country should be left in the hands of kids. :p

"Adults" arn't much better. Most of them spend their day lounging on the couch watching the latest news on britney spears or what other celebrity status. Try watching CNN or Fox news for 10 minutes and don't tell me it isn't biased. The sad truth is that the media might as well be in control of the country, because they can certainly control it.
The sad truth is that the media might as well be in control of the country, because they can certainly control it.

Generally I tend to stay away from broad generalizations, unless im making a joke.. but im not joking this time ;)

But I think that the media is in full control of the country. Whether they know it or not (and they know it).
Generally I tend to stay away from broad generalizations, unless im making a joke.. but im not joking this time ;)

But I think that the media is in full control of the country. Whether they know it or not (and they know it).
edited out of existence.
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