ToJ vs. SoC - TF2 Scrim?

Thanks guys. I just thought they just didn't have the server going. I cut and pasted the IP directly as I received it from them so I could not mistype it so I must have gotten it that way.
Last night, it was mentioned that this match would be on SourceTV. Does anyone have the IP address info. so onlookers like me can watch?
Just wanted to say a great game to everyone who played. Badlands was fantastic and our comeback on Gravel Pit was great.

Thank you to everyone for such a great time and thank you to }SoC{ for a great match.
i'd love to be a part of the scrim...but i work 4-10 or 11 about 6 days a i'd have to get lucky in order to have my one day off on the day of the scrim.
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