White Knight Chronicles?

I've been slacking on this one too...currently in the low 40s with my short sword/healer...I think GR6. Really want to get up to GR7 becuase it unlocks sooooooooo much stuff then. Right now I really don't have many quest I need to S Rank (got most that are available) and I'm just trying to get some Guild Rank....so let me know if you want to hop on and play together. :)

Hey, Kenny said he liked grindy RPGs...why haven't you picked up WKC yet Kenny!?

YEAAAHhhhh buddy, sweet trailer. So from that I take:
* 6 players online (woo!)
* Knights usable (and customizable) online (woo!)
* Something weird where a command takes up 2 slots?

Also, not in the trailer:
* Sony has confirmed that you'll be able to bring over your avatar's external appearance, all your paid and present items from the Georama mode, your guild and synthesis ranks, and all your items and equipment. Some equipment parameters will change, however.
* Guild Rank has been increased to 30 (Double that of WKC1).
* Character level is at least Level 80 (Up from Level 50 in WKC1).
* Characters will be able to transform into Knights and actually equip them with various armor/weapons, etc...knights are "human made" instead of the ancient ones.
* This is already known but as long as you have the "Clear Data" on your save file you can transfer your information to WKC2. However, he said "Depending on which path you decide to take, you'll be reduced to level 35 and unable to equip the armor/weapons you bring over". So based on what I was able to understand from that, you can either play certain aspects of the game with your level 50 WKC1 character or you get into certain WKC2 elements and therefore reduced in level. Clarification might be necessary though.

Rumored but I can't find confirmation:
* Can do online quests with 2 story mode characters
* Need to unlock knight colors?
* Extra dungeon given for loading WKC1 data
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Kenny should get this game for sure. T_T

Now to find out where the game case is. xD
I'm having a problem with Geonet. It shows I'm connected at the top right, but when I go into a quest and can choose Single/Multiplayer, the multiplayer option says "go to main menu to register and sign into Geonet first". I go to the Geonet menu (by pressing triangle) and the options are mostly greyed out since I'm already signed up.

What do I do to go online? Do I need to buy that one item for 1000 guilders (?) oooor? :/
I'm having a problem with Geonet. It shows I'm connected at the top right, but when I go into a quest and can choose Single/Multiplayer, the multiplayer option says "go to main menu to register and sign into Geonet first". I go to the Geonet menu (by pressing triangle) and the options are mostly greyed out since I'm already signed up.

What do I do to go online? Do I need to buy that one item for 1000 guilders (?) oooor? :/

Yes, you need to do that first. That gives you a deed for your own geonet hometown. Then you'll be able to hop on and visit others' towns.

Main functions for a town:
* Just fun to mess around in
* Can unlock armors by maxing out stats (need to be somewhere around 8-10, wouldn't worry about this just yet)
* High level stats and lots of harvest nodes will yield lots of materials after finishing a quest. Once you finish a quest and go back to town, you'll see lots of sparklies like in the single player campaign.

My advice would be to just get a town and not put any money in it unless you really want to burn some until you get high enough GR and rich enough to make a real town. You can just hop into a high-level town and get tons of great materials, so no need to worry about it just yet. :)

Any idea which days you'll get a chance to play this week?
Erm, switching to Bows on another new toon. The melee chains are fairly hard for me to pull off. Plus this should help the AI get into the fight faster. >.>
Erm, switching to Bows on another new toon. The melee chains are fairly hard for me to pull off. Plus this should help the AI get into the fight faster. >.>

Just FYI, chains are pretty much automatic if you button mash. You do get a damage bonus for timing them as intended, though. Typically I go for the timing, but if I realize I'm a bit off I'll mash to save.

Haven't tried a bow user yet although from what I can see they have some nice skills and combos...lemme know when you get back to where you can play online. Right now I just need to farm some guild rank to get from GR6 to GR7 (which will open up a TON of stuff for me), so I'd be happy to roll through some lowbie quests with you. :)
Saturday and Sunday, I'll work on being online then. I'll rush through the beginning again today though. :p
Lol. I think the main strength of the bow is the ability to dish out every type of elemental damage...but it really isn't much of a big deal early on.

Spear is more of a tank build. Axe can hit hard, as does long sword. Recommend light armor if you're really wanting to dish out the most damage. :)
Thanks to the "GET THIS GAME" comments from RyanB and Keero... I may be getting this game very soon. I sold more than expected in the family garage sale today, so I have some unexpected cash. Combined with the ten bucks in Amazon credit I have... WKC is looking really good right now. It was high on my want list when I got my PS3, and now that I can get it for under $20 outta pocket... yeah. I think it's gonna have to happen.

I'll shoot to order it on Monday. Thanks to Prime for students, I'll probably have it Thursday.

So I can get into hardcore grind mode. XD My brother is interested in the game, too.
Huzzah! Peer pressure FTW. Sounds like you'll be GR15 in no time!
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Erm, I'm having trouble registering for Geonet. I accept the terms but any name I try to register with says it's in use, even for random gibberish. :/
If it is saying your name is in use, it probably is - by you. My guess is that it's because you already registered previously with your account and don't need to register again.

Can you buy the deed and sign in?