Free will is all over scripture. You most likely choose to see it through a predestined lens.
Moses changed God's heart. Abraham changed God's mind. But, most predetermined existence people say, "God planned that so it was pre determined".
You also have the quandary of Saul. The spirit of God left him....
Clearly the Hebrew people are God's chosen in the older covenant. Just as clearly, not all of them will make it to Abraham's bosom.
New Testament- John 3:16 clearly says whoever, not only those God preordained. Romans impresses on us in chapter 10, that for anyone (again not the sealed only) who calls on Jesus shall be saved.
I prefer to rely on the entirety of God's word to make my decisions. On this one, I am clearly in both camps.
There is little doubt in my mind Paul had no choice in his salvation. The same is true for many people that God set aside. But, it is also clear the choice to follow Jesus is for anyone. (I have more too Mordos
For me the word predetermined is not predestined. I believe the Greek word is better described differently. There is no real direct English translation, like many Greek words and idioms. I suppose a good word picture would be God set up the rules for what a "football field" is- 100 yards long and 50 yards wide. So, that is in a sense predetermining a football field. Not all fields by those measurements are fields, but some are if they are designed correctly.
I truly believe this is an issue that should NEVER break fellowship. It should never cause division. It is a topic for us to talk about, talk around and see how huge God is and how incapable we are of completely grasping is awesomeness.
But, that is just me.
And clearly, the "rapture" as taught by some modern day peeps is not in Scripture. The word for sure is not in the text. It is only a small reference that many people take and make major theology out of it. IF this offends you I am sorry. Please read The Revelation of Jesus Christ and let me know where you see the rapture
Moses changed God's heart. Abraham changed God's mind. But, most predetermined existence people say, "God planned that so it was pre determined".
You also have the quandary of Saul. The spirit of God left him....
Clearly the Hebrew people are God's chosen in the older covenant. Just as clearly, not all of them will make it to Abraham's bosom.
New Testament- John 3:16 clearly says whoever, not only those God preordained. Romans impresses on us in chapter 10, that for anyone (again not the sealed only) who calls on Jesus shall be saved.
I prefer to rely on the entirety of God's word to make my decisions. On this one, I am clearly in both camps.

For me the word predetermined is not predestined. I believe the Greek word is better described differently. There is no real direct English translation, like many Greek words and idioms. I suppose a good word picture would be God set up the rules for what a "football field" is- 100 yards long and 50 yards wide. So, that is in a sense predetermining a football field. Not all fields by those measurements are fields, but some are if they are designed correctly.
I truly believe this is an issue that should NEVER break fellowship. It should never cause division. It is a topic for us to talk about, talk around and see how huge God is and how incapable we are of completely grasping is awesomeness.
But, that is just me.
And clearly, the "rapture" as taught by some modern day peeps is not in Scripture. The word for sure is not in the text. It is only a small reference that many people take and make major theology out of it. IF this offends you I am sorry. Please read The Revelation of Jesus Christ and let me know where you see the rapture