

New Member
After the earth thread there was:
So what do you think heaven is? (no necesarily wrong answers to that question, as long as its an answer)
No wrong answers?

Shouldn't your answers at least be supported by the Bible?

Otherwise, isn't it merely speculation?

I have always been intrigued by the lack of information about the ultimate goal for Christians. There's more about Hell in the Bible than Heaven. Interesting.
In terms of "no wrong answers," I think Dapor is just trying to see what everyone thinks (based on the bible or not) rather than give his opinion :)

Revelations has perhaps the most detailed account of the "New Jerusalem." Streets of gold, no sickness, no pain, glassy sea...
I think the idea behind the concept of hell being more often said is that the idea of hell is clearer to humans than heaven as is. Ezekiel and a few other books of the old testament call it "Sheol and Abaddon," Death and Destruction, or also "Where the worms never cease." (If necessary i can try to find the exact references)
The world is imperfect, hell is imperfection as its best, but heaven is perfect; a completely different concept to what humans are exposed to. As a result it must have been really difficult for John to actually describe such "perfection" with imperfect or limited words.

I mean, wouldn't you prefer streets of gold with no sickness or disease or death over worms and rotting flesh? ;)

Anyway, this thread is about heaven, not hell. From the idea that heaven is eternal life (this idea found mainly in the Gospels), no sickness, complete separation from evil, a pretty city to live in, and really big where everyone lives in harmony. I guess a simple word of "utopia" or "paradise" fits well; chances are, the very CONCEPT of utopia among most people in North America and Europe today arose from Christianity's idea of "heaven" (but I can't say I have proof of that.)

I have no idea where the concept of heaven being a bunch of human-turned angels with halos sitting on clouds playing harps came from. Wherever it did, I think it's time the idea was dumped.

But all in all, I think Christians will agree that heaven can be "only imagined." If there were too clear a prior representation, it's like ruining a surprise party to some degree...but I'm not the party planner, so i dunno ;)
Azzie, don't you think that's converse to what most people think heaven is?

Most people think of heaven as somthing UP THERE, not the reign Christ will have ON EARTH as the bible clearly says.
Read "Surprised by Joy" by C.S. Lewis; he engages throughout the book (his autobiography) in a thought-provoking discussion of the nature of heaven that has influenced my own opinions.

I believe that each has his own unique concept of heaven, and that we are each unable to verbally describe it. Joy, C.S. Lewis says in his book, is a momentary feeling that gives us a hint or foretaste of heaven. Joy is different in all of us, and it is brought on by any number of things and we usually don't recognize it until it's passed.

I know what Joy feels like to me, and I find myself at a loss to describe it as anything other than blissful and enlightening.

This world, and our perception, are both inherently flawed. Heaven belongs to neither of those and is therefore sure to be unlike anything we can now conceive of.
kraniac said:
I believe that each has his own unique concept of heaven, and that we are each unable to verbally describe it.

That doesn't mean that they're right. In fact, that argument leans towards those concepts being wrong.

If there's only one heaven, shouldn't there be ONE concept of heaven?

Why do you think there are so many differing concepts?
Dark Virtue said:
Azzie, don't you think that's converse to what most people think heaven is?

Most people think of heaven as somthing UP THERE, not the reign Christ will have ON EARTH as the bible clearly says.

Well, "most people" is quite a vague range of numbers and beliefs. :eek:

But the idea that heaven is "up there" is most likely the idea that there's a separation between the place where the angels dwell and where we are on earth.


Speaking of which, I think that's an important point! The "new Jerusalem" and the current dwelling of the angels seem to both be referred to as "heaven" when the two are actually probably different places. One supposedly exists right now, and the other is to come, making them either different places, or 2 places that will eventually become one.
Well, that sorts a few things out for me....
heaven is a halfpipe...... wait nvm...... Infinite gaming with infinite pizza and coffee... oh and Gods there too lol
[qoute=Chicken Soup] If heaven is remotely similar to what I think it is, it has 300 pizza places within the first square mile [/qoute]

[qoute=Atwon]heaven is a halfpipe...... wait nvm...... Infinite gaming with infinite pizza and coffee... oh and Gods there too lol[/qoute]

Please try to remain respectful.
No, please don't correct them eskimo. I believe that Heaven is what you want it to be. If that means pizza everywhere, than thats Heaven. Even Muslems believe in Heaven, whether they go there or not isn't my choice. Thats why there are no wrong answers. Even if you don't believe in Heaven, like if you believe that there is no such place. You will know no such place, so in a way you'll be right and wrong at the same time (because you'll never know you were wrong)
the_great_eskimo_pie said:
Chicken Soup said:
If heaven is remotely similar to what I think it is, it has 300 pizza places within the first square mile

Atown said:
heaven is a halfpipe...... wait nvm...... Infinite gaming with infinite pizza and coffee... oh and Gods there too lol

Please try to remain respectful.

What does heavan mean to you? It could very well be that Atown and Chicken Soup are describing exactly how they will experience heavan.

I think heavan will be very much similiar to the Garden of Eden. We will walk, talk and be in communion with our Lord and Savior. And there will be plenty of work to be done and entertainment to be had.
Eskimo i meant no disrespect, This topic has arisen before and i used close to the same response as ive had before. Heaven will be a place of complete happiness and joy (a good discription is the promise land in FF7), and just for me, i like pizza, coffee and gaming. i dont think heaven will really have food, but im sure there will be some kind of equivelant of joy from intaking food resembling pizza... or coffee.....
I think gluttony is a sin so no hoarding pizza/gorging myself :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, I didn't intend to be disrespectful, Eskimo. Its just my idea of paradise.

Oh, and I'm looking forward to the infinite joy and happiness, streets paved with gold, and asking God every question I've ever had... EVER! I mean, you have the Person that is basically a more correct wikipedia that has about eight hundred billion billion times as many articles! (well, you know what I mean) Want to know who invented spam? (the meat, not the pointless messages) Want to know what the meaning of life is? (and no, I'm sure its not 42 :rolleyes: :p )

I love living here, but man... heaven is more than anything we've ever dreamed of!
for me, i dont neccessarly enjoy living persay, i kinda have the mentality of Philippians 1:21" For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." i wouldt mind dying but i think God has some stuff i have to do for His name before i do
Atown said:
for me, i dont neccessarly enjoy living persay, i kinda have the mentality of Philippians 1:21" For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." i wouldt mind dying but i think God has some stuff i have to do for His name before i do

I agree. I am not afraid of death. I simply do not seek it. I know where I am going when I die. I know I am going Home.... I look at earth as a place I am visiting, when I die. I go home.... To be with my Heavenly Father.

More later when my Bible is readily available.