Molten Core Loot Handout Changes! Please Read!!

Usually its the dkp program itself that we sit around waiting for....

As a brand-new 60 who hasn't been on a raid yet, what exactly does the program do, and why should it take a long time? This sounds like something within my programming abilities....

Julienne (60 human paladin), Miella (47 gnome mage), Tbarrga (42 tauren druid), Juniktul (32 Forsaken priestess), Aniarmhi (10 dwarf huntress)
I think where the hope in saving time is to be realized is that when coming to a boss the who gets the set items that could possibly drop will be known before the boss even falls.

ie...Coming up to Gehannas who drops the following class items:

Nightslayer Gloves
Gloves Prophecy
Sabatons of Might
Giantstalker Boots
Lawbringer Gauntlets

So, before we get to him, the designated persons will find out who is in line for each piece of loot, confirm it with the class if that loot distribution is correct. Then when Gehanas falls and Prophecy gloves drop, instead of having every priest whisper Goblit, goblit will know which priest is to get them and just drops them in their inventory and we move on. Any non class specific loot then will go up to the normal bidding process.
Highest dkp will ALWAYS have first choice on loot that drops.....thats just the way it is. The Class leader would just know who that was :) unless I misunderstand things.

Eh, that was pretty early in the morning when I wrote that so my thought process was er...funtioning below par...

anyways. For example

We are on Garr.

PallyA is highest dkp. He wants Aurastone Hammer (druid/pally) over Lightbringer Helm
PallyB is second highest in dkp. He wants Aurastone Hammer and Lightbringer Helm.

If we predetermine that PallyA gets Lightbringer Helm and distribute the rest of the loot as we normally do, then if Lightbringer Helm and Aurastone Hammer drop, the helm gets defaulted to PallyA who really wants the Hammer more but because the helm got defaulted to him, he misses his chance at getting Aurastone Hammer and PallyB then gets the "first pick".

As a solution to our looting problems, I think each individual should be responsible for knowing how much dkp they have. When they whisper Goblit, they will tell her how much dkp they have so instead of searching up everyone's dkp, she just has to look for the highest number out of all the whispers.
Sounds kinda like what rogues do usually anyway, we usually know in rogue chat who is going for what and who has the highest dkp(except the other night luart surprised me when he got the NS shoulders:p). If you notice a lot of times rogues congratulate the winner before goblit announces it:) It might save a little time but I think more time is spent ressing the dead and rebuffing than looking up DKP. 2 weeks ago was it we got to domo in 4 hours or something really fast for us? I think some nights are just faster than others. Another problem with this system is the BOEs that pop up on us suddenly
Good idea. Focus on resing people faster. I still do not intend on looting before everyone is up. It is my experience that when that happens people stop and focus on loot and not on the job at hand. That is why I don't loot until everyone is up.
Young brought up an interesting point, were the raid leaders even asked about this before hand? they seem surprised heh, and why not just let the classes do it themselves instead of trying to deal with 3 channels a piece and trying to keep that organized, sounds a lot more complicated than the old system. The mages have it right, not only dkp but they look at who needs what piece the most and come to an agreement amongst themselves then tell goblit who gets the piece.
There are many area's in which the raid can improve so that we can move faster through the instance.

1. If you are a rezzer and somebody is dead in your party, rez them.
2. Whisper a member of the class you need buffs from and request it that way.
3. Don't expect full buffs for trash.
4. Drink for mana in shorter bursts.
5. Blow 3 to 10 minute cooldowns on trash (spells, trinkets, equipment uses and potions), save 30/60 minute c/d for bosses.
6. Bring plenty of your own reagants to the raid (potions, temp enchants, candles, symbols etc).
7. Be aware of your surroundings, if you see a dangerous add coming to you, move yourself and don't expect to be told to move.
8. Know your toon, don't expect others to tell you how to play it. No reason somebody should be telling hunters to FD every time its up or that rogues should be vanishing or Feinting.
9. If you are new to the raid and don't understand the short version of the boss strategies, ask somebody of your class what to do.
10. Use the addon package I have put has the base essentials that every raider should have to help make things go smoother.
Loot distribution always takes time no what what instance it is. For the most part of MC we do onspot dkp while we keep pulling the trash. If people dont need the loot they need to move ahead and kill stuff. I don't even wait more than 30 seconds after a boss has been downed in MC do to the next pull for HK. If people arent sure what they need then thats their fault.

Also we don't give people the opportunity to pass on one item then win another one then pick up the previous item them passed on. Like I dont remember who it was someone passed on a chest off golemagg then won the staff of dominance then got the same kill (assuming that there were peole that wanted one of the two items). Imo thats very unfair to give two epics to one person off the same boss. If an item is passed we shard it regardless if people who need them are in the raid.
we've been trying to help that with the rogues but sometimes forget until its too late:( had a few new rogues and havent been keeping them as informed as we should, think we all need to step up and reach out if we see new faces in the crowd and make sure they know the strats so we can get through MC as fast as possible now.
I appreciate the attempt to try and move the raid along at a faster pace. Shorter time in MC would be nice......This offer appears to be potentially confusing, sorta like the telephone game . And sometimes Raiding is confusing at best.....Ask Avesther or Goblit or FJ or anyone who try changing the course of the ship.
Well there is the L O V E boat.....No no ...up a creek without a...No no thats a canoe ...Pirates of the Caribbean ^__^
were the raid leaders even asked about this before hand?

Yes, after Quantam and I worked out the details on the idea, I spent some time in Vent with Avesther asking if this made sense and if he was ok with it. He said he thought it sounded great and was glad we wanted to help out in making the run faster.

That said, it seems that we have mostly all negative responses to this idea. So the majority wins, and we will can this idea, unless more people step up and say it is worth our trouble.

This was going to take some good effort on Quantam and mine part, and it is not worth it, if you guys are not on board.
I dont know how much was meant as negative response, more like contsructive criticism, just makeing sure all the scenarios are thought out and such. Why not try it at least once and see if it helps speed up the process any. I think after new class leaders get elected for team eternity it should be their responsibility to figure out whats best for their class, if they are there. Hopefully they will always be there or have to elect second in commands too:)
Well how about we talk more about this idea and wait for class officers to be on-board. This weekend we can do the same way as we always have. I will set a stopwatch to start the second a boss drops and stop it the second we engage the next mob. Then we can try this the following week after perfecting the idea and we can compare the two.