MoP problem solved...(its really this easy)

It's essentially a glorified pet, but still unplayable.

Oh you get to play with it. It is not an available character creation race, but it something that you get to play. You can craft with them and talk with them whenever you want. They were also designed that if a player had to leave early from a instance run, the companion could take over the players spot.

Yeah its not the same as a Pandaman in WoW but its still a race you can play with in SWTOR.
Just for clarification, when I said "play" I meant it in the "playable" sense, not the "play with" sense - playable and play with are two totally different concepts with what should be obvious, different limitations.

The succubus, bear, imp, rhino, etc were certainly controllable pets that you played with in WoW, but you certainly didn't play them.

Pandaren =! Wookie.
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What happened to this?

Course, you could always solve the issue by giving me the money you were going to use to buy an expansion if it wasn't MoP...
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It does have these.

but those awards are really not that meaningful. It's the awards after launch that count. Like Game of the Year, MMO of the Year, and RPG of the Year
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Here's what happened when I read your post up until the first link: Clicked your link and then I stopped reading because of only nine awards...

Really? SWTOR has 86.


Here's the edit: You're right. The awards that come out after the game are much more important. And GW2 does look seriously amazing.
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Actually you can. Well it's a companion, but you get some amount of control over it. You can romance it if you want....
Ditto on what Odale and Sarugon said about this. You can't romance your wookie, Bioware has said that only humanoid companions will be romanceable. You also can't play as a wookiee in TOR any more than you can play as a crab in WoW.

Oh and are you seriously going to compare a wookiee to a panda anyway? Pandas are chubby, munch bamboo in the woods, and are generally treated as cute by most people. Wookiees are big, strong, vicious, and will tear your arms out of your sockets if they lose. Much more serious than pandas. Comparing a wookiee to a panda is like comparing a gryphon to a kitten. The kitten is better if you are hoping for a cute and cuddly pet, but the gryphon is way cooler in pretty much every other way.

As for the GW2 comparisons, I'll hold my judgements until after they both release. I don't think GW2 looks as good, but that's just my opinion. I can certainly see why some people might think GW2 looks better.
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