MoP problem solved...(its really this easy)

I just wish there was a way to make it unavailable in parental controls. So I can make the right control decision in the light that will help me in the times of dark.
You are your own parental control. I'm not sure but pretty close to certain that some guilds will not allow it, also... like whats been said 500 times already, if you don't want to be around it, then don't be around it.
You know, as many people in game that talk about gays, rape, or other foul things, the fact that 2 digital players can say they are in a relationship really doesnt bother me. I bet 98% of us are on facebook which has the same exact option. It is no different. You choose to or not to affiliate yourselves with those who want to list this as their sexual preference.

Indeed. Just sucks that it infiltrates errrrrrrrrverything.


Next thing you know, frickin pandas will be running around WoW....oh wait...:D
You are your own parental control. I'm not sure but pretty close to certain that some guilds will not allow it, also... like whats been said 500 times already, if you don't want to be around it, then don't be around it.

That is nice on paper but does not translate to reality. We are sinful people and we are temped all the time. There are times when I am strong and times when I am weak. If I can remove the content while strong that will help me pass when the temptation comes. But if not then one night I will be playing and a you tube ad will pop up some porn chick and tempt me and right then my companion will hit on me and I will click on the romance option because no one else is looking and bam...sinner. I prefer to have the option in place and not foolishly think I can control my self at all time.
The same gender romance thing might not make it into the game. The developers don't actually want to add it, not based on morality, but because they said it doesn't actually exist in the Star Wars Universe. The only reason it is being considered is because of all the QQ about it.