MoP problem solved...(its really this easy)

I was really interested to try SW:ToR...until I read that article. Little bummed about that.

Still interested to try ToR, just not as much anymore.

Well, note that it does say "eventually." That is not currently in the game, and "eventually" is sometimes code for "never." I'm not exactly fond of it being there, but it won't be forced on you or anything like that so it isn't that big a deal to me.
Well, note that it does say "eventually." That is not currently in the game, and "eventually" is sometimes code for "never." I'm not exactly fond of it being there, but it won't be forced on you or anything like that so it isn't that big a deal to me.

I did note that it said eventually. Here is a quote straight from Bioware, that was right in the article:

Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature.

Will sounds like, well, will. Will be. Will be in the game.

Yes, I don't have to play it that way, obviously. Just not as excited as I was.
The whole romance thing is optional, right? Cause I'm completely not interested.

Yes, it's all optional.

Will sounds like, well, will. Will be. Will be in the game.

The reason why I mentioned the previous thing was because there have been games in the past where devs said that they would be adding stuff that they never ended up adding. If I recall correctly Bioware did it on something like this once before, but I could be wrong.
The reason why I mentioned the previous thing was because there have been games in the past where devs said that they would be adding stuff that they never ended up adding. If I recall correctly Bioware did it on something like this once before, but I could be wrong.

Lets just hope it only applies to the romance crap and not the good stuff they had to cut to make the launch date.
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It is a lot of the same team members...but that being said, PvP in warhammer is awesome. If some of that makes it into SWTOR that will be a good thing.
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You know, as many people in game that talk about gays, rape, or other foul things, the fact that 2 digital players can say they are in a relationship really doesnt bother me. I bet 98% of us are on facebook which has the same exact option. It is no different. You choose to or not to affiliate yourselves with those who want to list this as their sexual preference.