I'm happy to say the vehical fight is very fun. I'm not really into fighting on mounts.., but I was very plesantly suprised at the fun factor.
Flamewatch Armguards (Me)
Firesoul (Mike)
We got second boss xt002 down below 40% I think, not bad.
His tantrum is the issue. We *might* have to use 3 healers for that fight. Every person that has a healing ability should be using it during a tantrum. Another good idea, bring healing pots and try and use consumables that boost your health. If we can survive his tantrum, we win. (Scrolls/flasks etc) Formation was also a bit of an issue - for the raid to reap the benifit of pally aoe heals, you need to be within 8 yards.
Please review this video
http://www.tankspot.com/forums/f206/48643-ulduar-xt-002-deconstructor.html including the addendum "Heartburn Strat" (3rd video)
Boss in front of the steps (as seen in most videos). Melee in a small hald circle, range and healer in a larger half circle:
If the melee dps uses the max. hitbox, they don't have to move when they get lightbomb and with gravity bomb, the just step around the edges of the stair.
The ranged dps and healers shouldn't have to move at all, even with gravity bomb.
They key is to
avoid tantrums by burning the 25% health between heart phases in under 1min. (He does not do a tantrum with heart out, which is the benifit of this tactic) Even with good dps, the first 25% can be quite hard, so if you have a shaman, then pop Bloodlust at the beginning. Your raid (including tank) needs to reach at least 25k dps, which translates to at least 4k dps each for the damage dealers.
Now when the heart pops out, all dps continues to burn the heart. After about 15s into the heart phase the ranged look for the coming adds and start to aoe them;
one can easily take care of a wave alone. The OT collects the Pummelers and tanks them in the middle behind the raid.
When the hearts goes back in, it's repeat from the beginning. The ranged dps will need a few seconds to finish of the adds, then they can resume on the boss.
Additional notes:
Class choices:
Any ranged class has a sufficient form of aoe to get rid of the scrap bots. The only suboptimal class is the shadow priest because of the annoying targeting mechanic of Mind Sear (you need to target an add in the middle of the wave and this target doesn't take damage).
As OT you best chose a paladin or warrior, because of blocking (one hit from a Pummeler is lower than the block value).
The healers should both be capable of aoe-healing, because
in the last 25% you will most likely eat one tantrum.
Melee should only have to move when hit by gravity bomb or when Scrap Bots get too close to the boss.
Try not to burn the heart below 20%. Because
there is the danger of either killing the heart (-> Hard Mode) or
triggering the next heart phase to soon, while the ranged dps is still taking care of the last spawns.We had this problem during our kill. Our (melee) dps was so good, that they damaged the heart to about 10% durign the first two phases and in consequence we had to deal with more adds at the same time. This led to not being able to burn the heart in the last phase sufficiently and we had to spend additional time to take care of them. -> Last 25% didn't go down before tantrum.