mechboy - no, anything not of God, is of the devil. Worshipping anything other than God, is sin. Just because they have a couple of touchy-feely happy-go-lucky rules, does not mean it's a good thing. Think about it, they are worshipping 'mother earth' rather than the Heavenly Father. Remember that little commandment about other gods?? As well, at no point did I say that he shouldn't ask for an explanation. Rather, I said, that whether he gets one or not is quite irrelevent. He is to listen without always understanding the why. As well, this nonsense about rebellion because parent's are strick is just that, nonsense. There is no reason why teens or young adults must rebel, besides they want to.
AS for your 'correction', actually, respect for parents comes from a moral system rather than an innate, natural instinct. While, yes I believe that all kids should listen/respect their parents, there is no overriding instinctual urge that we have to do so. Rather the urge to listen to our parents is instilled in us when we're young by the moral right of our parents (through various forms of discipline and positive reinforcement). Which is why children who are/were not spanked, do not listen as well to their parents.
Jester - while yes, some of those kids from the Christian school, went nuts, how many of them, just as sheltered and "restricted" did not? Just because these kids decided to throw away the teachings of their parents do not necessary make the teachings of their parents bad.
bybloshex - actually, that type of magical beliefs is probably the worst, because it is a form of self-deification. As well, there are religions where the human in question has the power within them, rather than it coming from an external source (am at work without my reference books, so I can't get specifics). As I said earlier, worshiping anything other than God, is worshiping a false god.
Key AS mechboy suggested do talk to your parents. Explain why you think it's ok to play these games/etc (have a good researched list of pros/cons, scriptural arguements for/against, etc). Research the topic, and then present that information to your parents. Yet you must remember to NOT get mad if/when they still say you cannot do these things, because ultimately the answer could be something as simple as they do not want that particular game/book/whatever in their house.
An example will be my son will never have a teletubby or barney video. I think they're some of the most annoying things in existance, and I do not want them in my house, why? Simply because I do not like them.