Yuor thoughts on homosexuality.

You never asked that question. And just because we dont hang out with people doesnt mean we dont see and interact with them.
Ok, so if a Gay becomes a christian, you should hardly talk to him, and not make "friends" with him untill he stops being Gay.

let me tell you, he wont stay a christian for long
(Pops fingers, stretches neck...Doomsday Josh the Optimist has returned after a short day of school...)
Mmkay. God hates sin. God does not love sin. God loves everyone, but he definitely does not love us for what we are. We are sinners. He cannot stand that. HE HATES IT, so bad, that He'll toss us into hell if we don't repent of it...so yeah, God hates us for what we are, and yet God will love us for what we are. Funny.
Look here, I'm not here to make them feel good, I already told you that. I am not here to condone sins, to make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside about themselves, and that Jesus will love them and forgive them. Forget that. I'm here to be a sword, dude, a warrior, not a pansy. You can be that if you want to; that ain't my calling.
(Sorry, Metallica's "Master of Puppets" on right now..."You're falling faster! Obey your master! Your life burns baster! Obey your master! Master! Master of puppets is pulling the strings!" Sorry)
You wanna know something really cool Messenjah...I don't know what Christ you read of, or what Bible you read, but God did not make people feel good about their sins. Crap, the dude died for them all. He hung out with them, fo sho, but he did not make them feel good about it. Again and again he brought up parables and tales of turning away from sin and being the light of God, and showing people taht sin is most un-excellent. Who am I to turn away from that shining example?
("MASTER! MASTER! Where's the dreams that I've been after? Master! Master! Promised only lies! Laughter! Lughter! All I hear or see is laughter! Laughter! Laughter! Laughing at my prize!" Sorry. I love this song.)
Shark, he did ask that question. Just after your first post.
No one said you felt like crap...you told me "So you make them feel like crap?" And then Kidan brought that up that he's there to do that to people. Pay attention to the posts dude.
HOLY CRAP! I already said this: "I AM A BIGOT." SUE ME! This is a country where I can have my own beliefs, even if you don't like them. If that makes me a bigot, so be it then. I'll happily be a bigot. People like me are the reason Christianity has such a bad rep. Mmkay. That's cool with me. I'd rather give Christianity a bad rep than lie and give God a bad rep, right? Or do we matter more?
Look dude. Personal beliefs sometimes conflict with God's own. OKay? No one ever said I was Jesus. I don't like gays, I don't like their lifestyle, and I don't hang out with them. If it comes to, I will tell them my beliefs. But you wanna know they'll say: "YOU'RE JUST A BIGOT, YOU DON'T LIKE MY LIFE! I'M SUING!" And that is cool with me.
All right Messenjah. I'm going to tell you the honest truth: writing on these boards and learning of so many opinions has affected me. Debating with Eon has made me more open and I've started to think a lot about other religions' potential correctness...however I don't believe that. BUt I started to think about it. I never did before. No effects from hanging out, right? WRONG! Hanging out with gays, you'll begin to get their ideals, their beliefs, their thoughts, and slowly, subliminally, it'll begin to creep into your mind, so that when some straight friend laughingly refers to another straight friend as a "Fag", you'll spaz over that and preach to them about gays' equality...you see? The effects have worked due to the beliefs of your gay friends.
Hanging out with the worldly ways will erode your moral walls, perhaps even wear them away completely. Try it for a few years like I did. You'll see what happens.
As for being friends with gays, my bad. If they actually want to be Christian, they have to know what it requires: leaving a life of sin. Please remember, dudes, gays do more than just being gay. They sin the other sins like we do. I really don't wanna know how gays lust, but whatever. Even straights lust. Gays aren't except from all sins except gayness.
Hello Ultima,

couldnt resists a few comments ; )

Ultima: [No effects from hanging out, right? WRONG! Hanging out with gays, you'll begin to get their ideals, their beliefs, their thoughts, and slowly, subliminally, it'll begin to creep into your mind, so that when some straight friend laughingly refers to another straight friend as a "Fag", you'll spaz over that and preach to them about gays' equality...you see?]

Yes, I see. Eventually, if you spend time with gay people, you will begin to respect their right not to be ridiculed or treated as a whole different species. Slowly, and subliminally, you will begin to empathize with them just based on the fact that they are *human* and might find some common ground with them and start liking them as people, regardless of who they are attracted to. Against your own will, you might learn some humility and grow as a person. Heaven forbid  

Ultima: [The effects have worked due to the beliefs of your gay friends.]

Ultima, I have spent a lot of time with people who believe WAAAAY differently than I, and never has there been any hypnotic effect where I mysteriously began believing as they did - unless it was because my own logic had been flawed to start with. And in that case, yes, my beliefs HAVE changed as a result of seeing the holes in my own logic and realizing that what they were saying made more sense than what I currently believed. And when that has happened I have adjusted my view in proportion with the knowledge gained. Actually, I think it's healthy to spend time with others who believe differently and challenge our own views - what better way to find weak spots in your logic? And when a belief does not hold up under scrutiny, I will discard it, usually in favor of a more solid one. But then again, it appears as though you and I have a different way of handling new knowledge and the way beliefs affect us. For me, beliefs are like a working hypothesis, and if I learn something that invalidates a presently held belief, I will incorporate the new knowledge into my perspective and adjust my beliefs accordingly.

Ultima: [As for being friends with gays, my bad. If they actually want to be Christian, they have to know what it requires: leaving a life of sin.]

Ok, so I can assume that you never ever sin anymore? Because what you are implying above is that in order to be a Christian you can never sin again. Also, what happens if they have trouble leaving their life of sin and they make mistakes? Is their "saved" status then revoked? This is all so confusing!  

Take care,
Saint J
Dude, sin is not a lifestyle. Homosexuality is both sin and lifestyle. I never pretended to be perfect. But you are called to leave the life of sin. You can't say, "Yeah I love Jesus but I'm gay, too."
Empathize with sin...how about not? I don't pretend they're subhuman, but I DESPISE their life.
Hello Ultima,

You made some good points!

Regarding your statements below:

Ultima: [Homosexuality is both sin and lifestyle. ....You can't say, "Yeah I love Jesus but I'm gay, too."]

Actually, homosexuality isn't neccessarily either of those, (though it can be). When it comes right down to it, homosexuality is simply being attracted to a person of the same gender. It is acting on that attraction which constitutes sin according to Christian tenets.

Just because a person becomes a Christian doesn't mean their orientation is going to change - it only means that they will remain celibate, (if they are following traditional, conservative Christian doctrine) regardless of who they're attracted to. That would be an example of a "gay" Christian. They are still gay; the only difference is that they are resolving themselves to a life of celibacy. Becoming a Christian isn't going to make them magically attracted to the opposite gender anymore than it would make a heterosexual attracted to the same gender.

Ultima: [Empathize with sin...how about not?]

It's not the sin we should empathize with, but the person. According to Christian doctrine, abusing alcohol and drugs is a sin also, right? I have never abused alcohol or drugs, and I do hate what chronic d&a abusers do to themselves (and others, whether directly or indirectly) but I can still empathize with the feelings that drive people to make bad decisions and do harmful things to themselves in the name of getting some temporary reprieve from whatever pain their life presents.  

Ultima: [I don't pretend they're subhuman, but I DESPISE their life.]

I am very glad if you do indeed see gays as humans who have all the basic rights that any human has just for being a member of the human race. Unfortunately many apparently do not see gays as humans because the law denies them some of those rights, and conservative Christians are usually in specific support of this.

Take care,

Saint J
Saint J--how exactly does the law refuse a homosexual the same liberties as a heterosexual? The law is blind. While it does not allow stricter punishement for a straight beating a homosexual (as is the case as a white beating a black), the straight would still be punished

Homosexuality is the act. It is a choice, a sin, there is no genetic or mental make-up that drives someone to prefer 1 sex over the other. If there was, then we would have those who practice bestiality saying they're genetically predisposed to have sex with the dog.

as for switching orientations, there are a number of Christian programs that assist in doing that with lasting results.
Even if homosexuality was genetic (which I don't grant) it doesn't follow that it is therefore moral. Just a thought. *shrug*
Homosexuals being so by genetic disorder? Thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. True love isnt caused by a persons body.
Actually Shark, scientists now have tossed up another idea that it IS genetically made...how though they don't know. In a couple years it'll be because their dad's grandfather's uncle liked his brother a bit too much and that's why they're gay now...after all, idiocy breeds idiocy (not referring to the person, but the ideas)
I haven't stated yet that homosexuals are magically transformed into straights by accepting Jesus. It's something that has to be worked out. You can't force a gay to make out with a girl (well, you could, but you can't make them straight, you know what I mean). Just as a straight sex addict has to work it out, so can a gay. It's not going to be imprinted on their lives forever and ever. It can change. But it takes will to do it.
Suppose I have a rape disorder, and I only target fifteen year olds. CAn I be tried as a rapist? Of course. It's a genetic thing, I can argue...I can even offer evidence to back that claim up. So what? I still get in trouble. Rapists are frowned down on, gays are not. Gay rapists...gee I don't want to even think about that. One day, just as homosexuality is now, raping will be accepted as part of human culture, just because. Gays were hated, and still are, but now we can't make a deal out of it, or we'll be charged with discrimination. Rapists are hated, and we can make a deal out of it, because so far no one's sued about it. One day, however, I anticipate rape to be as legal as being gay is.
Being gay is a choice. You can control lusts. I'm sure gays don't jump on every guy/girl they see, just as straights don't. After all, it's not like they're white people and black people back in the 50s....they're straights and gays in the 00s. It's different. Blacks were prejudiced against. Then they stood up for themselves and WHITE PEOPLE BACKED OFF! Gays were as well back in the 60s and 70s...now they're commonplace, cause STRAIGHT PEOPLE BACKED OFF! "TV has never been this queer" could be a logo for today's television, what with TATU, Melissa Etheridge, Elton John and a ton of others, even gay shows.
I don't feel bad for drug addicts, though I should. I mean, dude, look at Brandon Vedas. DORKACITE MAJOR is a nice name for him. Guy, 21, ODed on pills live on some webcams before some dudes online. How bad can you say idiot? He might as well have played Russian Roulette and blasted his brains out live on the Web. If druggies want some sympathy, my advice is get some rehab. Get some God, too, while you're at it. Kick the habit. You know what? It's just like the whole abortion thing we're talking about in another topic. You CAN DO ABSTINENCE. As many have pointed out, though, most people won't choose that, just because they can have contraceptives and still get the same great stuff as without it, only with a lesser change of popping out a magical baby later on. People can choose not to stick the freaking needle in their arms, not to snort the crack, not to take pills for some kicks, not to smoke up pot, not to spoon out some heroine. Geez crap. Idiots. I don't feel sorry for them, as sorry as I would feel for a sex addict or gay. So far, if I ever made that choice, I wouldn't want any sympathy. I'd like to die at 21 alone in my room, friendless, thanks to drugs, or get shot up for not paying off a deal, or get busted by the law for raping a 15 year old who said she was 24. Mmkay?
I really don't understand what relevence that had to my comment on the stupidity of this, but just because scientists say something doesn't make it utterly stupid. The majority of scientists believe in evolution and there has never been truely solid proof that evolution did indeed occur. Mostly just a bunch of lies and hoax. And I might add there will never be true proof, because its a load of bantha fodder. In the end evolutionism is just as much of a religion as christianity, you have to have faith to believe it. But what you don't seem to understand about addictions is that, these people don't want to do what they do. They try as hard as they can but they can't overcome their addictions. Thats the whole point of rehab, its to try to give you time to seperate yourself from the addiction and try to give you something else to feel good about. You should feel the same toward addicts as you would to people who are ill or diseased. They want to, but they cant overcome it by themselves.
Bantha fodder? ANother Star Wars fan, yea!
I've been addicted to stuff before...like games. I got unhooked off games by MY OWN WILL. No institution to help me out there. No shrink to examine my mind. Just talks with myself, God and my will to fight. I broke away, didn't I?
Breaking away from games in one thing, breaking away from a drug like coccaine is another. I have a family member that was on that crap for years as well as other drugs, it destroys you. Its not like an addictive computer game where you just end up wasting time and getting fat (unless you have existing mental problems of course, then worse can come from it). ONE hit of that crap and he went from a career as a scientist for the Navy to a trailor park in Dallas Texas. Comparing game addiction and drug addiction is like comparing a flick on the wrist to a sledgehammer to the groin. Go get yourself hooked on crack then come back and tell us how easy it was to get away from it, If you even have the mental capacity to turn on a computer after its all said and done.
Forgive me. I did not express myself. I was being sarcastic. I do strongly believe that there is a grave difference between the two.
As for camparing Gays to rapists, that is stupid. a Rapist forces someone to have sexual intercourse with them. if oyu are gay, not a gay rapist, just gay, the people you have sex with choose, unlike eape. Rape is illegal because it hurts people. being gay doesnt. now you can give me that shite about AIDS being started by gays, but that is all it is: crap. look at the prostiutes over in africa, they would be straight, and they transmit AIDS, not because of gays, but because of unprotected sex with many many people.

so you have heard of ripper (brandon vedas) too. look at my sig. thatz what he took. haha hes an idiot..
Yes I know of Ripper (a.k.a. in humanity: Brandon Vedas)
A shame the dude's dead. I really recommend editing your sig though dude. There's no point to it.
And uh please note I didn't COMPARE gays to rapists. I picked two categories frowned on. Gays were hated, right? Bad stuff, right? Despised, right? WEll then they became legal. Rapists are hated, right? Bad stuff, right? Despised, right? Well soon they'll be legal, as just about everything is becoming. Read the posts and think it through first dude.
hmm how will rape ever be legal? that is just screwed up. it is forcing someone to have sex with you. it is totally humiliating. (ive had it happen to me, this guy... i wont go into it) it will never be legal. homosexuality is a choice, it isnt forced upon you.

so please think before you say stuff like that

Both things are/were despised. One is now okay to do. Another is not. When shall it be when the other, illegal one IS OKAY?

and please dont go on about it. i have had some bad experiences. you were talking about gay rapists??? i know what that like, itz not the nicest thing in the world i can tell you. so dont go on about it. please.