Remember when.....

I remember not knowing how to heal myself when I got to 60 because I leveled with all the great healers of our time Icthus, Lukey, Sandric, Alhana.....and never had to heal myself when I was questing. Thanks guys! Thanks to Young who taught me how to use bandaids!
I remember how much fun it was raiding MC/BWL with you guys when I was in HK. It was like a stress free environment that I was fortunate enough to escape to from time to time.
I remember how much fun it was raiding MC/BWL with you guys when I was in HK. It was like a stress free environment that I was fortunate enough to escape to from time to time.
Good times.

I <3ed raiding on Osi.
I remember when Icthus was being chased by that dinosaur and tripped over a dodo bird. It was hilarious.

Or are those not the kinds of memories we're looking for?
I remember when the recruiters for Redeemed were just two warlocks...Osyris and Goblit....I still giggle about that when the warlock debate comes up.
Some of the ones that quit were fantastic players...

Not that I am naming any names though...
