Remember when.....

I don't remember that at all. Nope, not at all

I remember one day, I got lost in Ironforge.

Did you know that 777 x 9 = 6993 :)
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I remember asking what the "Alliance" was before I bought the game.

Wow that was a while ago.
I remember one of Redeemeds first guild activities was to raid Uldaman, 16 or 17 people came, that was when you could raid all the instances with upto 40 people.
That was back when my IRL friend played (not colbi but thasten) he told me about the end boss, and I have only seen it once!
I hated all the old world dungeons by the time the new ones came out.

I remember when Light's Hope Chapel would get over run with PvP griefers and no one could land.
I think I was still leveling up when that was happening.

I remember when blues were "epic".
I remember when we let Tree be master looter in BWL....and he put Wall's loot in his own bags. Might still be there....Wall made his carry it around as punishment
I remember my first epic mount. A swift orange Raptor for my Troll Priest. Man I must have spent hours just riding around on it.