Search results

  1. Josh2415

    The Frontier

    Space and time has become unstable. Was it frequent teleportation? Was it enchanting gone wrong? Did someone divide by zero? Were "gotospawn" problems a herald of the impending fracture? A new world has been discovered, a parallel universe. What awaits on the other side? Only the brave...
  2. Josh2415

    Can't log in? (and Server Status thread)

    Here is a website to check, if you can't log in. It shows if any of Mojang's servers are having trouble. If they show green, you should be able to log in, eventually. Mojang's servers are contacted during the initial log-in process. After that, it's just between you...
  3. Josh2415


    I thought I would start a thread to show off some screenshots of things we find and enjoy. To start... this is a shot of dchsknight's initial buildings. I love the architecture! The "training area" is a wonderful idea. I can't wait to see what your tower will look like!
  4. Josh2415

    Project: "The Dockside Dive" and sea vessel?

    Here's an idea I started behind Spawn. There is a tunnel going through the hill to the lake behind. On the peninsula, I started a building called "The ToJ Dockside Dive." I envision this to be a two-story pub/inn (food/drink on main level, rooms above) servicing small-time fishermen off the...
  5. Josh2415

    New World! It needs YOU! And maybe a name. And a plan... plans are good too.

    The rumors are true... we have a brand new world set up. It could use a name, if anyone has suggestions. "The new world" is just so boring and definitely not great when discussing multiple worlds across the server history. Key features affecting your play now: Vanilla, no mods. You have...
  6. Josh2415

    Hi again! And, State of the Server

    Hi everyone! :) "This guy? Oh wait... I remember him..." Yes, I pretty much disappeared. :( I could try to list excuses, but some are personal (unrelated to Minecraft though), some cliche, and, well I'd rather talk about you guys and the server than me at the moment. Oh, by the way, the...
  7. Josh2415

    Microsoft buying Mojang / Minecraft

    It's official. What are your thoughts?
  8. Josh2415


    I updated the server. Good news and bad news time! Good news: Bunnies! Bunnies bunnies bunnies. Randomized block textures (sand, grass, netherrack...) other stuff? Bad news: The interface to Multicraft is broken. This means... I cannot see if the server is actually online from the...
  9. Josh2415

    Rolling back one day, sorry

    Tweets by Dinnerbone: I do have a backup from yesterday prior to the server update, so when 26c comes out, I will be restoring that. Any work done yesterday or today will be lost, sorry. I am stopping the server until this update occurs, to prevent anyone from playing and losing their...
  10. Josh2415

    New Underwater Mob?

    Per Jeb's tweet: Any guesses? I haven't headed over to Reddit to see what more researched people have said, so I'm in the dark. :D Jellyfish, Super Sea Cucumber, Octopus (reskinning ftw!), Starfish on Steroids, Stingray... so many possibilities!
  11. Josh2415

    Player Places Showcase

    To start our showcase, we will take a look at JuhRo & SchnuppyPuppy's castle, located at (674 -963). They've been working on this for a good part of the existence of the current world, and have done a wonderful job! A classic castle architecture with lots of great landscaping. It...
  12. Josh2415

    "Player Places" on Facebook!

    I am starting a series on Facebook called "Player Places." I will take screenshots of various constructions around our world and give a very brief description. I started with the castle made by JuhRo & SchnuppyPuppy. I realized I should get interior shots too. And coordinates. I'm...
  13. Josh2415

    New world generation options!

    The newest snapshot has a lot of new world generation options! Watch this video to see a preview, or, of course, mess around with them yourselves in single-player. :D So... what fun settings have you found? Edit: Why is everything...
  14. Josh2415

    Group projects, a.k.a. "I wish I could build this"

    What sort of buildings/constructions have you guys seen that wish we could build? Post a picture (or link to it). Maybe others will want to work on it together with you if it's a bit overwhelming. I am clearing out an area in the Nether for something to go in there. I'm not sure what, though...
  15. Josh2415


    I think it's time to decorate spawn a bit. What are some suggestions? I created a room/building for the actual spawning, but it needs some more. If you have an idea, let's hear. If you need materials, we can give you those. Traditionally, we have a church at spawn. Anyone want to make one...
  16. Josh2415

    14w05b caused item loss, restoring a backup

    When I installed the snapshot for this week (even waiting until the "b" version was out), lots of people lost a lot of items from chests. We will therefore be going back to 14w04b and restoring a world backup. This means if you logged in today (Friday 1/31), everything you did will be...
  17. Josh2415

    14w04a snapshot too buggy

    I updated the server to the latest snapshot, but it is too buggy yet. I reverted back to the previous snapshot. Major bugs: - block updates not occurring in many cases (reported to bug tracker) - something benign is causing serious lag (getting a 3 second pause, 1 second play time, repeat)...
  18. Josh2415

    Should the server use snapshots?

    I want to find out if people want to use the snapshots or if people would rather just use official releases. It probably comes down to using the latest features vs. more stable / don't know how to use snapshots. Pick the answer you are closest to, and feel free to tell us your thoughts in a reply!
  19. Josh2415

    Snapshot - new stuff!

    Hey everyone! Well, the new snapshot came out this morning. There are quite a few new blocks this time! Next to spawn I have made a little display of the new stuff. I don't know where we find these blocks yet. The hunt begins! I did figure out the mossy stone brick recipe (1 vine + 1 stone...
  20. Josh2415

    Mob grinder

    To Rexul and anyone else wanting to use his mob grinder. Do NOT go AFK at the mob grinder. If you want to sit there and kill them once in a while, that's fine. But going AFK for an extended period of time causes big problems. Rexul, I logged on to the server and noticed it was lagging. I...