Server donation time once again...

Bank accounts are fairly easy to come by these days. If you can get your parents to get you a bank account you can get a paypal account linked to that bank account. Thats how I worked back when I was 16-17 years old. Now I'm 18 and I've got a check card :-D.

Speaking of which I just splurged for a trumpet on E-Bay. d00t.
Is there ANY other ways we can send money besidse using paypal? Me don't hav credit card
I've been using the server alot lately. Not a problem. I'll send some money tonight. I can only send in Canadian dollars though.
ouch Que Pasa. ouch.

LOL...earlier this year I'd agree. Except last time I checked we were at about 75% of the USD. Compared to just over 60% earlier this year.
Yeah, I was in New Brunswick over [U.S.] Thanksgiving and was saddened that my money wasn't quite worth what I'd thought it would be...
Ok,'s about that time again. The server has been kicking and extremely busy so, please search deep and wide for those donations!

I wanted to thank those who have been faithful in their donations, I know the Lord will bless you for it!

Please send donations either to: or via PayPal. If you send it to the 'donations' address please let Cory (Thad) know it's for the CS server. Again, if you need to snail mail it, PM me and I'll give you my address.


If you check out server prices, laggyservers is pretty cheap when it comes to gaming servers. Although you may find some kid running a cheaper priced server where you can order it of his geocities website. I doubt it will have the features or reliability our current server host has.

Don't worry; we are always looking to make sure we have a good setup. Also, the more donations, the more player slots we can put on a server and the less burden on Elite to make sure it gets paid every month out of his own pocket. Think about this, right now, the $70 we pay is for a shared server that is running other games on it. For $140, we could have our own gaming server were we could host several games off it. Think about having Tribe of Judah CS, DOD and NS servers. Think about all the more fellow Christian and non-Christian gamers we could reach.

But you are probably saying "Plank, I would help out" but "I am just a kid" or "I have just enough to pay the bills each month". That is understandable. We are all in different financial situations. But I will ask this off you, what can you do to help bring others in that may be able to help financially? Do you tell your friends and coworkers about us? Are you creative and could help out with the Promotional Materials ( )? When we do get Promotional Materials, would you being willing to help disperse them at Church and in your local neighborhood? Those are all ways that are just as important as those that actually make donations.

And, don't forget the great job everyone already does for this community. It’s the relationships we build here and the people that are prayed for and mentored too that matter the most. Getting to frag Z is just an added bonus (Just joking Z).

So, lets keep up the good work. Prayerfully consider where you may be able to help out and always, lets have fun.

So until more money starts rolling in or someone offers up a spare t1 to host off of, we will probably continue to stay with our current server.
*boggles* ...Yeh! What he said! *cheers Plankeye on*

Also, I just wanted to mention the Sponsor Information Package Project (again). If you would like to help Tribe of Judah court church, ministry, and corporate sponsors, e-mail LionOfJudah at Lion0fJudah AT hotmail DOT com Compiling the S.I.P. is an epic project and not to be handled by one person alone, so contact LoJ to find out how you can lend a hand!
Thanks Plankeye, for the information. Maybe we should pin that somewhere, like recompile it, etc?

Anyways, the server costs $68 per month. I usually try and pay $70 everytime because we've had to skip a few months here and there. LaggyServers is great, and the customer service is very timely. I think it's really only guy running it? Anyways, ya, I really like them.
Yeah Aaron is great. I took the time to get to know him. Its one guy who does the the business on the side. He is the only employ and builds his own servers. I find him highly dependable and very fast with personal service. He lives in Birmingham Alabama and his help # is the area code in Atlanta so its easy for me to reach him and its not long distance!

GG laggyservers