Recent content by Shoe On Fire

  1. S

    [POLL] How many games do you purchase?

    It's about one a year for me... I also play loads of free games though, like Gunz and America's Army, so that has something to do with it.
  2. S

    Refining the Minion Factory

    Light of Dwayna could be Echoed or Arcane Echoed to be used many more times. As for energy....maybe the saccers could sac with Blood is Power all the time instead of wearing 5 superior runes.
  3. S

    Refining the Minion Factory

    More than just the saccer dying is serious overkill, since the rezzmer gets them back up and dead plenty fast enough to keep pace with the MM's animating.
  4. S

    Do %'s stack?

    They kind of stack, but they can also both happen at the same time, so: 10% 10% of 10% is 1%, the time they both occur. +10% ------- 20% 20%-1%=19% Two items with 10% chance create a 19% chance.
  5. S

    Refining the Minion Factory

    The thing is, all of us except the warrior would HAVE to load before the other team for that to work....
  6. S

    Refining the Minion Factory

    Unless we want the Rezzmers to double as healers/protectors, then the two slots left using a double MM build would be for Monks. And if we run into a team with Edge of Extinction, we're doubly...ah...out of luck.
  7. S

    Refining the Minion Factory

    I think one thing that would help very much is if we had a focus for the other five players besides the saccer, rezzer, and MM. With two monks that leaves us three people to do something with, four if we involve the Rezzmer.
  8. S

    Guild Wars Screenshots!

    ...yet there are two portable dead allies, plus pets :D
  9. S

    GvG Monday Night!!

    What if we used animate Bone Minions instead of Fiend? And had one of the generals be solely just putting on Death Nova on each? EoE......Kablooey? Ahahahah.... There are ways around (or with) things...
  10. S

    Who was looking for The Wilds?

    All right...let's shoot for 10pmish EST
  11. S

    GvG Monday Night!!

    [img=] These are some plans for a build that would be like last night's factory--but with four times the minions. I've heard of well-timed MMs using the same corpse, so why not four doing the same? The first five skills for the...
  12. S

    Who was looking for The Wilds?

    I might not be on until 10pm EST, but I may also be able to be on before 6pm EST tonight...
  13. S

    Who was looking for The Wilds?

    My Warrior needs to do it, and Michio of the Wood also has a character that needs it as well...
  14. S

    Build wealth night?

    I don't have to get up until 10:am PST tomorrow, so I'll be on. Just bug any of my characters (they're in my sig) if you'd like some company doing ettins, something in the desert, etc. Edit: I also have a W/Me 15 up to The Wilds named Imago Matu
  15. S

    What have you changed in your interface?

    As you can see, I have moved the effects bar from the upper left to the lower middle and have a much larger minimap on the bottom right. What customizations have you done?