New Member
Camps are a way for a young person be it boy or girl to get away from all the crazy interruptions in this word and spend actually quality time with God rather than a quick bit here or there. Satan has us so busy and tied up in our lives that it is hard for us to spend 1 on 1 time with God. This is what God desires for us to do is the 1 on 1 time. The atmosphere in such a place is one that is God oriented. Unlike our everyday lives where it is frowned upon to spend time or even worship that which created us. The thing that continues to puzzle me is that Christianity is so looked down upon. Why is this. The heart of the message is simple. The Creator wants you to acknowledge that he is sovereign and turn your life over to him. Islam wants you to convert or be killed by the sword. Budhism wants you to live a perfect life so you can ataain the next plane. Which is easier? To admit you have flaws and live with it or try and live a perfect life?
In Christ,
In Christ,