Got Pokemon X or Y? Post here!
Tell us whether you have X or Y, how far along you are in the game, what Pokemon you're looking to trade for, and any other Pokemon X/Y-related chatter!
I'll start us off with a bad Pokemon pun:
Also, I have Pokemon X, I just earned my first badge Saturday night, and I'm interested in trading any X-exclusive 'mon for any Y-exclusive 'mon (after I actually collect X-exclusive 'mon).
Tell us whether you have X or Y, how far along you are in the game, what Pokemon you're looking to trade for, and any other Pokemon X/Y-related chatter!
I'll start us off with a bad Pokemon pun:
Also, I have Pokemon X, I just earned my first badge Saturday night, and I'm interested in trading any X-exclusive 'mon for any Y-exclusive 'mon (after I actually collect X-exclusive 'mon).