BC Trinity Addon

if it can be done i would suggest a shift click or something to bring up the options. some people like to click their buttons to cast.
This is similar to methodology used in a "Flexbar' mod I use currently. It can be configured so that, for example, right click on a button opens the menu of buttons, then left click (or even move mouse out of button zone) and the menu disappears. Of course all right or left clicks are configurable.

Of course, Flexbar also does things which I know are currently not doable in TBC such as show boxes depending on health / mana status, so I am not sure if this is possible in TBC or not. If it is, it might be portable into Connor's mod.
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The PTR for pre-BC is up, and I was able to log on real quick and and had no errors with Trinity Buttons, so for those of you that will play on the PTR, Trinity should work for you.
are they putting in the new LUA language at the next patch? I had heard rumors of the new 41-point trees, but nothing about mods...
Yes they are. It won't have ALL the changes, but the base secure template code is already on the PTR.
hm. that sounds kinda messy. secure code... but not all of the LUA changes? If that means what I'm thinking.... will my BC mods not work in retail then?
There is a small possibility that an addon that works in BC currently won't work on the PTR and when the pre-BC patch is released. However, most of the UI changes that are happening now are macro items, Blizz is going macro crazy right now :)
Osk, nice work on the latest versions. I am looking forward (/hint /hint) to seeing those round buttons and finally getting to use this mod when the patch comes out next week (fingers crossed). I have come to completely fall in love with this button bar mod. You should take a bow cause you deserve it. To anyone who reads this, I would strongly encourage you, if you are using ANY other button bar mod, when the patch comes out, please give this mod a try. It is both elegant and innovative. Well done good sir!
/agreed. I did see that Osk updated the file on wowinterface yesterday, but didn't edit the description. Was there some changes that you would like us to play with? :)
BTW Osk, Trinity works pretty good on the PTR. The only issue i had was I changed the size of the bags from 1.0 to .8 and set it to be visible by mouse over only. It went away till the first mouse over then it never would disappear again. Only happened once but it did happen. Probably an odd combination of things occured.

But I do like it. It took a little while to figure everything out on how to use it, but you are doing a fine job.
I'm using it in beta and like it too. I do have one suggestion, though:

I'd love to see the text in the Health/Mana/Energy bars be smaller. With the numbers showing, I can't see the bars and I really like being able to see the bars and numbers at the same time. Any way for you to squeeze that in?

Great job!
first off i love these bars and the functionality but i can't seem to get the bars working with my rogue and stealth. i know how to set up a bar so it appears only while unstealthed but how do i make one for only while stealthed? also, if i have keybindings for unstealthed can i set the same bindings for other actions while stealthed? other than that the bars are working ok on my other characters.
lol ok i suck, i figured both of those out... for those who are wondering, when you change stances the bar goes to 0 buttons and you have to add the buttons for that bar... and yes, you can set the keybindings for the stealth and unstealthed to the same buttons.
pretty sure it is... haven't bothered to get on my druid yet lol... oh another question. is there a way to get the bars back to their default position. the casting bar is very glitchy, i clicked the up arrow once and it made the bar about 10 screens long. then when i try to make it smaller it went down like 1 pixel at a time so i just hit hide to get it out of my way and it hid the bar offscreen... so yeah, i wanna reset it to where it was. anyone know how to do that?
Neirei - I do all my primary testing on Azolas if that answers your question =) However, there is asmall bug with the prowl bar in the current version and I should have a fix posted soon.

Tymothi - I will look into the issue of the cast bar. Current there is not an easy way to reset it, but I will see if I can find out what is going on.
Ctrl-Alt-Clicking the minimap button resets everything... but it's better than a huge casting bar.

What I'm wondering...is there a way to easily un-bind keys? I got locked into combat while adjusting keys and now I have something bound to Escape. It appears to be a blank bar because it never tried to actually do anything, but I can't cancel spellcasting, I can't open the main menu, i can't drop targeting...
Looks like some of my former guild members are liking Trinity but were looking at being able to assign mouse buttons to actions on the bars. I haven't seen Trinity so I don't know if its possible or not but I figured I would go to the source and ask :)
If somehow your ESC got bound then you will need to go into the default key binding interface and reassign it. However, I use ESC to clear bindings so I treat it as a special key that should never get bound. But the new binding API is my worst enemy =)